The Story of a Teenage Vampire
Today I start the first page of my new life, the man who turned me told me to write down my experiences as a newly born Vampire and record every moment I have while I walk this earth.
I suppose that I should start before the change, tell you a little bit about what I was like before I became what I am today. It was all exactly 1 year ago. I was a somewhat of a normal 19 year old teenager living in the 21st centuary, well average except the fact that I had caught a fatal illness a couple of years ago. My body was slowly shutting down and I had only a few more years to live. No one could tell me exactly what I had contracted, but it was excruciating, the pain was inbareable. Everyday I spent in the hospital bed, I spent it either screaming or sleeping, the best that I could describe the pain was that it felt as if I had nails being driven into every part of my body, every waking seccond another nail was driven in, and there was no anastetic that could take away the pain. As soon as they had injected it, the medication was nullafied, there seemed to be no hope of me living. The hospital staff had no idea of what to do with me, they could'nt put me out of my missery without someones concent. I spent a total of 16 months there, after a year most of the doctors had gotten used to my aggonising screams, it was as if I was never even there. Then my time came, apparently he was a patient that was there for 3 weeks, or at least I thought he was, I guess they put him in the same room as me. Apparently he had no problem with the screaming that echoed only from our room, every night he had told me that the pain would go away one day. I had no way to tell him anything, and if my screaming stopped it was usually because I had gone hoarce. Finaly he had made up his mind about helping me rid me of this unwelcomed pain I had become inflicted with. He covred my mouth that night and turned my head to the side, after pulling out the needles in my neck that failed at keeping me asleep, he bit down on my juggular, I could feel the warmth of my blood slide down my neck and onto the pillow. The pain from his enlarged teeth was not as bad as the desiese that I was plauged with for the past 6 years of my life. In fact the biting seemed like a pain killer that actually effected me, it strangely did'nt bother me that it felt as if this man was trying to kill me, in fact I was hoping that he would, death was the one thing that I had been wishing upon myself ever since I came down with this gastly illness. And then he was done, my screaming had seized, I could actulay move freely without thrashing about from the pain. The first thing I did that night was stand on my own two feet, the man who had helped me smiled with a big toothy grin. Before I could even think of taking my first step in years, I ended up face first on the floor, all of a sudden I was hit with a diffrent pain from before. This pain however, grew from within my chest, the man spoke, for the first time I could hear him clearly, because I was'nt screaming my head off. "Don't worry this pain is just temporary, it will be over in a few minutes" I looked up at the man and realized that something inside me was coming out. I crawled my way to the bathroom and hung my head over the toilet, it was vomit, or at least that was what it felt like, except that the taste was diffrent. After everything was clear from my system I noticed that the substance in the bowl was actually blood and dark chunks of something which I could'nt figure out what. I turned to the man to ask him what he thought this was, but he was already 5 steps way ahead of me "your organs... well most of them, just the ones you'll no longer need". I spoke for the first time and it shocked me, I had forgotten what my own voice sounded like "what did you do to me, how did you cure that strange desise?" The man smiled, but he did'nt answer my questions, not yet at least, insted he helped me to my feet and lead me to the window. "If you want to know what is happening to you, open this window, it is best that you find out yourself" I raised one eyebrow and stared at the man with the oddest expression on my face. He spoke again and thats when I realized that he had a british accent, funny I was cured of an illness that infected me for years and the one thing that I am most concerned about at that moment when he is explaning to me what he did, is his accent. "What?" was all I could say, the man motioned to the window, "Open it, just trust me" I pushed open the double screens on the window and felt the night breeze rush across my face for the first time in years. I turned back to the man to see him hold his hand out in front of my face, "bite", the questionable look spread across my face again "um what?" was once again all I could say. The man seemed to be getting annoyed "bite my hand, I want you to draw blood, you have to taste my blood if you want to keep living, otherwise you are going to die a death that is much more painful than the one that you were experiencing an hour ago". I hesitated for a seccond in dissbelief at what the man had told me, but then it I decided to obey, if this man had saved me from what was slowly killing me, then he must have a reason for telling me to do these strange things. I grabbed his hand with mine and bit down as hard as I could, I boke skin and his blood poured into my mouth, I had tasted blood before when I was younger, my blood had an odd salty copper taste, but for some reason his was sweet and irresistable. Then he grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me away from his hand, I wanted more, but he made me stop "No more, you already have enough, any more and it would have killed you and me both". I wiped the blood off my mouth "so why did you have me open the window", the man grined again I want you to jump. I peered down at the ground which was 5 floors down, then looked back and laughed "yeah right, I'll die if I jump from here" the man shook his head. "You have no other choice, we can't just waltz out of this hospital, the doctors will ask questions, then the will want to run tests, then we are both stuck here, seccondly I said you have to find out what I did to you and the one way of doing that is out of this window". I looked back out to the ground, oddly I trusted the man and steped up into the frame of the window, looked back at the man as he noded, then lept. The ground came fast, I was not sure what to expect untill I hit feet first, there was no shock, no bones breaking, I stood up and looked back to the room to see the man leap out and land right next to me. "What did you do to me?" I asked again, the man chuckled "you still have'nt figured it out yet?" I shook my head no. He shook his head and motioned for me to follow him.
We walked through the field behind the hospital, and into the woods,as I stumbled over tree roots and fallen logs I noticed there was no path where we were going aparently, we wandered for a few miles untill the sound of the city behind us became very faint. Then we saw it, a broken down old victorian house, it had been abandon, no one was living there and no one had for quite some time by the looks of it. The man led me up the steps and opened the door for me to enter, when I walked in I noticed that the inside was not as old looking as the outside was. The whole inside was somewhat new looking, I guessed that the man had been staying here for quite some time, everything was clean and resembled pictures I had seen of peoples houses in 1800's. He showed me up to a room and told me that it would be best to sleep untill tomarrow night. So I crawled into the bed and for once actualy got to sleep on my own, no morphine or any other drugs to put me to sleep, for once I felt somewhat normal.
50 years since I last wrote in this, my new life was requiring traning, after peicing together everthing that was happening to me I finaly realized what I was. The one thing that I never thought was possiable, one thing that I never really thought existed, although there has always been one odd feeling tugging the back of my mind, that they did exist. I was a vampire, and everything about being a vampire was compleatly diffrent from what I had expected, diffrent from what I thought they really were. I found out my weakness's and my strengths within that time
The Story of a Teenage Vampire
The revised version of the same story, with a bit more added on, but it is still incompleate.
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