- It’s lately been a void. Not like death or anything but a void of, what do I value in this world? Is it all really necessary? Do I really matter? And why can’t we explain why we are here? Let’s discuss these. I think that a lot of this thing called “education” is purely superficial. I don’t care about math or geography, or how white people killed black people in the past. I care about writing, not only that but the future of writing. We can’t prove that school is the best option, only that it is the one most people gather behind. If you think about it on a geologic timescale, then you can’t justify this kind of experience. 2 million years from now the atoms that make up my hair will be water in the ocean, which will cover most of Canada. We don’t directly influence the future in a bad or good way. Save the Whales! I say ******** the whales; they can be replaced, once we are gone. Humans can leave the planet and it will go back to being beautiful. Monstrous, free, like an arms war of tooth and claw, but an amazing place. This may seem convoluted to you, but bear with me, it all fits together. It fits because the geologic time is B. And if B then A. B is proven, and A is that we don’t need to value education. Because we won’t have done anything to this planet we can have fun. I’m not a republican or a democrat, I’m a “******** it, let’s have fun.” I can see the merits of my argument because I have spent many a long night pondering this kind of mystery. I’ve found that fun is the only real thing you can value in this world, along with love. But onto other things, what I’ve detailed just now applies to the next part of this. Because of B we can assume that we don’t matter. We can go and extinct the Whales. We can extinct 80% of the species on this planet and it still won’t make a difference. That is the scientific part of this one, and now the philosophical. We all matter to someone, whether it be the person who needs to gun you down to prove something to members of their gang, or that red-headed girl that you always end up making a fool of yourself in front of. We all matter in one way or another in a social context. But what really intrigues me is this last question. Why can’t we prove the existence or lack thereof of a god? If we say a god created us all then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Why does science prove how we grow and evolve? Why are we so skeptical? We can’t accept something if we try to look at it objectively, and ultimately, we look at it too objectively and over think it. But if we say there is no god, then why can we feel good? Why is there Love? Why does sex feel good? Why is there laughter? And we can’t prove either way because no one will accept the truth if there is a hint of doubt. So, tell me. Why is their laughter?

- Title: Why is there laughter?
- Artist: Sacrow
- Description: Meandering thoughts that answer a few questions that are often better left without truth.
- Date: 12/22/2009
- Tags: there laughter existentialism
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Comments (2 Comments)
- -xx Rice Bunnies xx- - 07/01/2010
- yah true that razz
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- Over Bitten Zombie - 12/23/2009
- Because we think stuff is funny!!!
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