Something was happening, I looked inside deeper than ever before, seeing the future, or soon, something that was going to change time, a shadow was falling over creation, thats what I had heard inside my head. I seen events and happenings that were taking place inside my head now, right now that I could see clear and real enough. This couldn't be possible because I was slitheen, but I could still see inside my own mind as if it was all real. The Doctor and Sarah Jane were having a conversation I wasn't there as you say it. It was like a day dream but I was living inside my head, Sarah Jane and The Doctor got worried when I didn't respond or talk at all. Then everybody was shocked because something very unexpected happened, I just fell to the floor. The Doctor and Sarah Jane both stood each end of me, I had gone cold. Once I had fallen I was completely dead in that body and was still living inside my mind. I looked around still inside my head and wanted to turn away but it was like a living dream, and it was for real, there was no escape.
Sarah jane asked mr Smith to scan the body, in other words me. mr Smith did a full scan of the body and just went dead silent and wouldn't respond. The Doctor asked Sarah Jane what was hapenning but she had no explanation and couldn't figure out what was going on. I was still inside this living dream and was trying to communicate with mr Smith, it was almost impossible because he was there on earth and I was in a place that couldn't exist and wasn't possible to reach in any way. I shouted inside my head as if I could actually speak and I could, I tried to activate myself like a huge computer and shouted "MR SMITH, MR SMITH, CONNECT TO MR SMITH, PLANET EARTH, ENGLAND, SARAH JANE'S HOUSE NUMBER 13, PLANET IS SOL 3, LOCATE AND CONNECT" I was making progress with connecting to mr Smith and sarah jane was wondering why mr Smith was't reponding
Then without orders mr Smith started going haywire and he shouted in his voice "CONNECTING". Sarah Jane looked at mr Smith in a puzzled way saying "connecting to who and what?" mr Smith replied "Information Unexplainable" The Doctor was still by the Slitheen body, which was once me. I was still in the living dream and shouted "TIMELORDS ARE RETURNING" Back on Earth mr Smith put up on his huge screen "INCOMING MESSAGE FROM NOWHERE, MESSAGE READS: TIMELORDS ARE RETURNING" The Doctor looked up at the screen then immediately stood up and said to Sarah Jane "That's her, that's Victoria. Sarah Jane asked The Doctor about what he had just said the he pointed at the screen. Luke had noticed then said "You mean that's Victoria, the slitheen girl?" Sarah Jane replied "She isn't slitheen, she's Timelord" Clyde over heard them talking and said in a impressed voice "You mean that slitheen kid that is Timelord is sending messages from nowhere, that kid is cool!" Rani heard them all talking and said "If that is Victoria sending those messages, then we need to help her and reply or something"
Luke looked at sarah Jane and said "Mum, it isn't possible to send messages like that because nowhere doesn't exist and to do something like that would take an unbelievable amount of power to actually make it work" Sarah Jane walked over to Luke and said " I think she is quite like you in a way" I was still trying to send messages through but most were failing so I tried again harder trying to use more power then shouted "A SHADOW IS FALLING OVER CREATION AND SOON IT COULD MEAN THE END OF TIME!!!!" mr Smith received the messages and put up on his screen what I said like this "A SHADOW IS FALLING OVER CREATION AND SOON IT COULD MEAN THE END OF TIME!!!!" As soon as Sarah Jane and The Doctor saw it they knew something was wrong. Clyde shouted in another impressed voice " To do these kinds of things, Luke is right you would need a lot of power and that is exactly what this kid has got and if she has this amount of power she isn't exactly a normal kid, she's a weirdo, she's kinda like Luke"
I continued trying to send the messages but they were failing, then everything went dark. I could feel pains getting sharper and more painfull by the second. Sarah Jane and The Doctor talked together away from mr Smith, K9, Rani, Maria,Luke and Clyde. The Doctor said to Sarah Jane in a quiet-sad voice " There is nothing we can do, we can't save her" Sarah jane replied " There must be something we can do, we must help her. The Doctor replied and said " Like I said before, I'm the last of the Timelords, there is nobody else left and I knew it would be that way, the Timelords are all gone and dead now"
The Doctor was wrong, he had no way to save me and nobody could reach me now. but what happened next must have been a miracle. The pain was worse and I almost gave into it, the a figure appeared in front of me. It was Jenny, the Doctor's daughter who was supposed to have died on the planet messaline.
Jenny told me to lie down, everything was so real now and where I was, was like a real world. I layed down like she told me to. Jenny told me to open my mouth because she had something in her hand. I was a bit worried of what it was she had in her hand, but she told me to close my eyes too. I closed my eyes and she poured a gungey sort of formula in my mouth, the I felt really strange. My body disappeared and was gone from that place. Back on Earth at Sarah Jane's house my slitheen body was still there. I opened my eyes realising I was there. I was paralyzed then for one straight second, the slitheen body disappeared in a flash, like an image on a screen vanishing through a power cut. I woke up again in my normal body, not a slitheen any more.
I didn't get up because it was a bad idea too after all that. Suddenly a flash appeared then I looked up and saw Jenny standing there. I looked up at her and smiled, seeing her back in the real world, as they called it felt great. Sarah Jane and The Doctor walked in and saw me there, they also seen Jenny. The Doctor looked at me and smiled and then saw Jenny, after he saw jenny the smile was gone from his face completely. He stared at Jenny and said "How can you be here, your dead!" Jenny looked back at him with a beaming smile and said "No I'm not dead Dad, I came back to life after you left" The Doctor replied curiously "How could you have came back" Jenny explained in detail " I came back because all that energy that created a new world brought me back, I am also part Timelord too, because I'm part of you"
I couldn't get up from the floor because I felt sick and I didn't know what would happen if I got up. sarah Jane picked me up and put me on the long chair to lay there. Rani, Luke, Clyde, Maria and K9 came over to me. Rani said "Hi, I guess your Victoria, are you ok? I went to reply and got in the word actually, the Clydge burst out and said "Kid you are cool, you have got unbelievable power" Maria said to me "Victoria are you ok you don't look so good" Luke said to me "Hey it's ok I know how it feels to be the odd person" Little K9 (the robot dog) just stayed there quietly. Sarah Jane saw everyone crowding me and said "Hey, give the girl some space!" I put my arms against my stomache and turned a bit green, Sarah Jane asked me "What's wrong Victoria, are you alright?" I replied "No I feel sick" As soon as Sarah Jane heard me say that she got me a bucket, I threw up a bit in the bucket and then Sarah Jane got rid of it. It must have been that formula Jenny gave me.
Martha had stayed in the Tardis the whole time, I think she was nervous. It was beginning to go dark and since we were all together, Me, Luke, Clyde, Rani, Maria, Sarah Jane, The Doctor, Martha, Jenny, etc, sat round a huge table then enjoyed a huge meal together, after that we all spent the rest of the evening together and talked about the universe and how amazing it was.

- Title: The mystery land adventure p 5
- Artist: Mew Vic
- Description: The adventure where odd and unbeliveable come together to make the adventure even more exciting
- Date: 12/30/2009
- Tags: mystery land adventure
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Comments (1 Comments)
- young lovely orange - 12/31/2009
- it's long and amazing i'll give 5 stars!
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