Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- My Demonic Halo by XxXxX_BAD BOY_XxXxX
- A poem about myself
- Salem Witch Trials by InThruTheOutDoor
- Just a poem I wrote one day
- Caged by crazy-ani-girl
- This isn't exactly a poem but it goes best with this criteria. i think please rate and comment.
- Merely a Jest by Mavir
- I was playing on WoW and I ran through the area where they're having the "Mid Summer Festival." And I randomly came up with this poem.
- just me by Unholy Spawn Zylus
- this is just a poem it may not be great but its only my third i'v ever writen
- So Why Should I? by icefirephantom
- This is a poem about a guy that I used to like but then found out that hes a jerk and now I hate his guts.
- Only In My Dreams by Jacob Black 08
- It’s about intangible love that can only existent in your dreams. You wake up just to long for another dream, because you know that the love you feel was never meant to exist.
- All alone (Haiku) by Necrotize
- We, the Rejected
- Memory bout famous people by yumi71
- this poem is describing how there life went
- Heaven by kitten2cat
- It's just a random peom I wrote about heaven
- truth of me by XxXkylee-nightrunnerXxX
- idk when i wrote this... but i really like it... idk
- Still Alive by karrot cake
- Eh~
- omg, wtf, stfu! by kiter115
- a little rhyme i made up when i thought of thez!!
- Summer by Alaskan Angel416
- this is about a girl who finds out about summer!
- Will You Be My Friend? by DehHiddenAngel
- This is just another one of my poems, i liked this one, along with all my others, i hope you do to!! Comment if you liked it, or have any advice, but please, nothing rude!
- Boyfriends by x-UmiUsagi-x
- I've been writing a lot of rhymes and such lately...I wrote this after my best friend told me her situation with her boy, Here's for you Raven.