Ka Cha!
Force me to open my mouthhhh.
I can't give upppp.
those are lyrics from a BLINDSIDE song.
Don't you hate it when you over do somethings? Or maybe you try and nothing happens. Oh well, I'm not ashamed. So nya! So nothing new really, jus finals are coming up. I'm gonna tackle em down. I hope I do good. I wish I could spend my summer relaxing, but school calls. gAH-eY So I must fight alone, but I won't play any shrades. I won't fell scared, not when I'm on His sholder. I'll see it through, He'll carry me.
Hmmmmmm, ta ta ta da ta! I really feel the need to just run around and do things with friends. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!
heart heart heart wahmbulance heart heart heart
Community Member
I know how you feel..
cept without the school..
i've been too stressed
about money, you have
school, I have money. Eh.
Hey..at least you're getting
your scooling doneee, I haven't
even done that...as much as
I want to..