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Roleplay Characters

Name: Asavar Kul
Title: Champion of Khorne
Age: 188
Gender: Male
Race: Norsica Human; Chaos-warped
Ethnicity: Norsican
Allegiance: Chaos; Khorne, Chaos Undivided


Height: 7'1"
Weight: 343 lbs

Appearance: Asavar is a hulking beast of a man, to say the least. His pale skin is stretched taut over his bulging musculature, purpled veins and thick, corded muscle easily seen beneath the skin. With broad shoulders and a naturally tall stature, he carries the weight well without being "musclebound", but it's hard to get around the sheer, almost inhuman thickness and size of his body in terms of pure muscularity, which is the primary means by which someone discern his Chaos taint. Simply because that much muscle shouldn't be able to be packed on to a man, even of his tall frame. Beneath his armor, he appears dirty, unwashed, and not altogether human. Both of his eyes are pits of black with brass colored irises, while purple, dead veins spread out from around the eye sockets. His hair is long, a mess of rat-tails and raggedly chopped here and there, covering his bestial, feral features when his helmet is off.

Defining Features: Beyond the disconcerting coloration of his eyes, his facial features are gruesome, to say the least - missing chunks of his lips, ears, and nose, he looks as if he's gotten into a fight with a shaving blade and lost several times. Scars criss-cross his body, and brands of the number eight and the Symbol of Khorne dot his body. The thin, almost translucent quality of his skin is off-setting, especially when one can see every defined movement of his muscles when he moves, and the purpled, blood choked veins that run through his body just beneath the skin.

Personality: Asavar Kul is irrevocably insane, driven mad by the energies of the Warp. Nothing in his personality dictates the common human standards of compassion or love. If he's not sullen and brooding between fights, he's mired in hatred, rage, or bloodlust. If he is one thing, he is consistent in his madness, and seeks only to do battle wherever he can. He does his best to not strike out against other Khornates so that he can lead them to greater bloodshed, and the same rule can be extended to other Chaos followers, if they don't get in his way. It wouldn't be surprising to see him bury an axe into a Tzeentchian though, but he has joined their war parties on occasion. He lives for bloodshed and war, and nothing more - he doesn't care who he fights with to get it, be it other Khornates, or in the horde of Chaos Undivided. He just wants more skulls.



Beserker Axe x2: Strapped to his belt or carried in his hands are two axes nearly half the size of a normal man's torso. Single bladed, much akin to oversized hatchets or fire axes, these weapons are made with simple Chaos-infused steel and wooden hafts, with the symbol of Khorne engraved into the counter-weights on the bottoms of the hafts and on the axe heads. The heads are chipped and marred from battle, but otherwise serviceable. They glow with a sickly light, but hold no magical power - they're merely imbued with Chaos so as to stand up to the abuse of battle, despite the fact that Asavar somehow manages to still chip the blades. On the opposite end of the axehead as the blade is a jutting, blood-encrusted spike. Each axe is identical.

b*****d Sword x2: Six and a half feet of battered steel that has been sharpened into a working blade with a stubby point, with the last foot or so grinded down to work as a handle with no handguard to speak of. This weapon has crude etchings of Chaos and Khorne up and down the blade, but doesn't hold the same sickening intensity as the dual axes.


Khornate Armor: Unlike some followers of Khorne, Asavar Kul eschews the use of super heavy plate armor, preferring a mix of mobility and protection, that way he can get to the killing that much faster. The entire set of armor is colored crimson with bronze trim and decoration with symbols of Khorne, and covers his legs in plated boots, shinguards, greaves, and the like up to his waist, where plates of metal hang to guard his hips, crotch, and the seat of his pants. Thick bands of metal have been bent into shape to fit around his midsection, following the contour of his ribs up to the solar plexus, providing some protection and stability to the small of his back. Over this, a disk of metal with the symbol of Khorne has been transfixed to fit over the bands on his gut. Kept in place with thick leather straps are pauldrons of overlapping metal plates with a mix of stubby and long spikes. More metal has been warped to fit around his wrists and up to his elbows in the form of vembracers, while shards of metal have been studded and bolted together to form rough gauntlets for punching and the like. A helmet sits atop his head, close-faced to hide his features, with a grate to cover to bottom of his mouth and his chin/neck, while twin horns jut out from the sides of the helmet, reminiscent of a demon's head. A short fur neck-guard is connected between the pauldrons to cover the back of his neck, lined on the inside with chainmail.

This armor looks fearsome for a reason: It is. In the area it covers, it provides an astounding level of protection, the likes of which only heavy weapons or potent magic can penetrate. However, for the sake of mobility, certain areas have been left uncovered, and therefore vulnerable: his ribcage, chest, flanks, biceps, and upper back are all largely uncovered. The armor is naturally resistant to cutting weapons, and stabbing will only work on the legs or back of the armor - any blade will likely fail to pass through the dual plating of his stomach. The armor provides him with some measure of protection against the likes of fire thanks in part to a few of the runes inscribed into the armor, but their hasty inscription also means that the protection is piecemeal and can be overcome. It's mainly for protection against the physical aspects of melee and magic.



Daemontouched: His devotion to Khorne has been as such that a daemon has passed through his body - but does not possess it. This passing of Warp-taint is the source of Asavar's mutations, and beyond the aesthetic, has provided several benefits to the Champion.

Toughened Hide: Despite his sickening appearance, Asavar's body is resilient and tough. While any weapon will be sure to cause harm, punching and kicking doesn't seem to do too much, nor would something like an aluminum bat. A mace, however, would be trouble, because of the smaller surface area. This does not extend directly to magic: magic-punch him and he'll feel it. Hit him with a blast of magic and he'll get knocked down, but probably just get up again. But he has no resistances to magic other than his armor.

Pain?: He doesn't feel a lot of it. The daemon's passing through his physical body left his ability to feel pain greatly lessened. That way, he can draw rage from it, but won't succumb to simple pain alone - only from proper injury.

Prowess: Physically, Asavar is a hard man to match. Able to punch and batter down the likes of stone with his bare hands and leap great distances, Asavar is a human wrecking ball of obviously inhuman power. This makes up for his lack of sorcery - he can simply break damn near anything put in front of him. If he used mundane weapons, he'd probably break them while swinging them, or accidentally snap off the hilt. If he gets ahold of an opponent's weapon and it isn't magic, he could likely snap it over his knee if he wanted to.

Khorne's Rage: In the midst of battle, Asavar is prone to falling deep into the bloodlust of battle, seeing red and only targets. This isn't just an anger problem in need of therapy, but a gift of Chaos's might from the Blood God's gory hand. This rage turns him into a slavering, mindless beast. Albeit, a mindless beast capable of tearing a man in half with his bare hands, or punching his skull to a crimson paste on the ground, and one that no longer tires or wavers. His physical abilities don't increase, but now he simply doesn't tire - his rage acts as a fuel for his movements.

The side-affect that accompanies this even when out of the rage is a strange form of seizures, which often come and go, but especially pre and post rage. These are noted by his shivering, twitching mannerisms and gibbering nonsense, along with blood dribbling or even spewing from his mouth, ears, nose, or eyes. This leaves him open to an attack when a seizure hits in battle, giving an opponent time to try and take him out before the tunnel vision sets in and his axe-arm gets to swinging again.


-Accomplished melee combatant with hands, axes, swords and maces
-Can throw his weapons accurately, including the sword
-Not the sharpest tool in the shed




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