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قُلْ لَوْ كَانَ فِي الأرْضِ مَلائِكَةٌ يَمْشُونَ مُطْمَئِنِّينَ لَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَلَكًا رَسُولا


  • Real Name: Ibrahim Dismas
  • Alias: Kholdus, Arhiman, Ozryel
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 28 [uncertain]
  • Birth-date: 9/12/1304
  • Birthplace: Damascus
  • Race: Human
  • Ethnicity: Italian-German-Persian
  • Profession: Alchemist; Adventurer
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Martial Status: Single
  • Location: Gaia



  • Family
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  • Height: 6'0''
  • Weight: 182 lbs
  • Dominant Hand:


XXXXXX-Defining Features:

XXXXXX-Mundane Clothing:


  • Natural Abilities

XXXXXXIntelligent - Ibrahim is astoundingly intelligent, with an impressive library of knowledge stored in the crooks of his mind. Of the esoteric, obscure, and dangerous, there is little he does not know, making him a valuable asset to anyone looking for a relic or being of otherworldly power.

XXXXXXGod's Man - Walking the line between good and evil and drawing on both, Ibrahim is hard to harm with any sort of holy magic or weapon. Angelic beings see him for what he is, but because of his seraphic connections he is allowed to visit and stay in most hallowed places.

XXXXXXWarped Vision - With enough focus, Ibrahim can view the world in a different light: alignments. Through this, he can see if someone is possessed, or of demonic/angelic origin. He can also see people as 'good', 'bad', or 'neutral.' With even further concentration, Ibrahim can scry on any flat, reflective surface without the proper rituals in place, but doing so is dangerous, as those being scryed upon may be alerted to his presence. The biggest downside to this is that he suffers an off and on blindness in his right eye. With focus, he can see, but otherwise he is cut down to only his left eye for things like reading, traveling, or other mundane activities.

XXXXXXThe Devil's Own - Given his unholy connections, Ibrahim is hard to damage with demonic magic or energies. Most demonic entities will realize that he is human, but the touch of sin about him makes him a valuable sometimes-ally. He'd be considered a damned soul, for the most part.

XXXXXXDissembled Mind - While not an impossible feat, reading Ibrahim's mind can be a challenge, as his poker face extends to his thoughts as well. His true contemplations are hidden beneath a constant flurry of surface thoughts, algebraic expressions and alchemic rhythms, leaving psychics floundering to get through the mess.

XXXXXXTainted Auspex - Ibrahim can (un)naturally detect magical energies, and the pooling of them. Areas where magic was previously used leave traces that he can pick up. Years of magical studies and influence combined with his dealings with the otherworldly have

  • Fighting Style

XXXXXXVescovo di Peccato - Otherwise known as the "Bishop of Sin", this is a style of swordsmanship that revolves around aggressive swordplay and ''cut and thrust'' techniques. Its routs can be traced back to several sources, including fencing, the dervish dances of Medieval Persia, and the strong-arm style of people like the Saxons. While Ibrahim is no master swordsman, he most certainly isn't a slouch.

  • Training

XXXXXXAlchemist - Trained in the use of alchemy, Ibrahim can identify magical items, components, and substances. He can also recognize alchemy at work or things affected by it. He can read the seals, glyphs, and is well versed in their use. He can also use this skill in a much more mundane way - creating medicines, poisons, explosives, and the like.

XXXXXXDemonologist - Ibrahim's training before entering his pact allowed him to recognize beings of demonic and angelic origins, along with their tools and traces. With the pact(s), his understanding and education on the subject has been greatly enhanced, allowing him to identify demons and angels of even the highest orders when they're in the guise of humans or animals, and he can 'read' the traces of their (un)divinity when they've been in an area.

XXXXXXEsoteric Training - Ibrahim has been educated in the otherworldly that does not pertain directly to angels and demons. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, chakra, and things such as other planes of existence are good examples of things he's learned. Suffice to say, if it isn't mundane, he might know something of it.

  • Supernatural Abilities

XXXXXXIncendia - Incendia is Ibrahim's only active offensive ability. He can summon forth flames of iridescent blue, burning his own magical power to fuel his Incendia assaults. He can manipulate it in a variety of ways, but he only has a short amount of time to use it. [Ibrahim starts off with a 10/10 counter. If he uses Incendia for ten posts, he can no longer use it for the remainder of the fight.]

XXXXXXAlchemy - Alchemy is, in the most base sense, a way to change one thing into another, a sort of arcane science. This skill isn't combat related, as it requires a great deal of time to prepare and work with, but it allows Ibrahim to do great things. He can make artificial life in the form of golems, enchant weapons, dis-enchant them, and even make working, functioning limbs for people to replace those that they've lost.

[Note: This is not FMA. This character cannot do on-the-fly alchemy. It takes him hours, days, even weeks to gather the necessary tools and to preform the actions. If someone wants a service from him, prepare to pay well.]

XXXXXXWalk the Line - As described below, Ibrahim is a wandering and lost soul who (literally) walks the line between Heaven and Hell. A neutral agent in the conflict, Ibrahim has risen only to fall and rise again. However, once fallen, he could never rise to his previous heights - he is in the same position as most humans, inbetween. But unlike most, he also realizes this, and is in regular contact with both sides of the cosmic conflict, often times hired to do work for either side, but never directly against the other - only indirectly. Because of this dual-pact with the forces of Heaven and Hell, Ibrahim can only utilize one 'pact' at a time - either he's working for Heaven, for Hell, or for himself, in which case he has access to neither sides' resources. Part of this agreement is that he has a set number of 'lives' - nine specifically. On the ninth death, he will be given over completely to one side or the other.

XXXXXXDeal with the Devil - The 'Demonic' part of Ibrahim's contract between the forces of his universe's Heaven and Hell. This allows him to communicate telepathically with the beings he answers to, and through this he can also pull from their resources. This isn't directly combat related, unless he calls for help.

XXXXXXAgreement with Azrael - The Angelic portion of his pact, this allows him to communicate with the angelic forces he's working with. Through this, he can use their resources, call for aid, or otherwise find ways to aid him in his current job.

XXXXXXRitual Magic - Ritual magic is a catch-all term for a variety of abilities Ibrahim has developed over time. Summoning, scrying, binding, communication via long distances, inter-planar travel, meditation, and things of this nature that don't directly affect combat but might still be useful.


  • Weapons

XXXXXX- Long-knife -

XXXXXX- Tomahawks -

XXXXXX- Gunstock Club -

  • Armor

XXXXXX- [Custom] Light Brigadine Armor -

  • Misc

XXXXXX- Magical Auspex -

XXXXXX- Supplies -

XXXXXX- Pendant -

XXXXXX- Thyssel Bark -

XXXXXX- Tama -


  • The Beginning [0-10 yrs] (I)

  • Youth [10-15] (II)

  • Rites of Passage [15-18] (III)

  • Counting Coup-- The Summertime War [18-20] (IV)

  • Leaving the Plains [20-20] (V)

  • Gaian Beginning [20-21] (VI)

  • Exploration [21-22] (VII)

  • Intermission - Frostchild (VIII)

  • Heaven or Hell [22-22] (IX)

  • Homecoming-- Power-Outage [22-22] (X)

  • Gaian Training and the GTB II [22-22] (XI)

"Say, 'If there were settled, on earth, angels walking about in peace and quiet, We should certainly have sent them down from the heavens an angel for a messenger.'"

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