god i need to stop waiting so long b4 i post in this thing
ok so lately things have been...... uhhh i would say hellich but really its more of a chaotic sorta thing. my best friend has gone from being someone with his head in the clouds to a guy with his head shoved up hit a**, i've been through about 2 relationships since i last posted and caem close to picking up smoking pot and drinking agian, but i didnt for 2 reasons 1) my friends showed me that even though not a lot of ppl give a damn about me they're the closest thing i got to a family and 2) i kno the girl i truely love (AKA the angel i talked about in the last post and im going to call her that for the rest of this post) wouldnt want to ever talk to me agian if i did start agian. right now im in between relationships because angel girl told me she made a promise to someone that she wouldnt go out with anyone (although i have a strange feeling the promise is to my most recent ex who i told i cant deal with since she broke up with me over the stupitest reason "she has low self esteem" boo- hoo, ppl r worse off then she is and she breaks up with me because she thinks shes fat and ugly.) anyway right now im kinda enjoying being single, got no one to tell me what to do or anything like that. although i wish i was in a relationship with angel girl agian. what i think is funny is that even though we're not going out she still finds ways to drive me insane. as well as another funny point, her best friend is goin out with one of my friends and i told him today "men will never understand how women work but women understand how men work so easily. look at these two, yours steals your food, eats half of it then gives it back. when you get that pissed off look on your face she gives you the cute look so that you wont be mad at her." now while im saying this his girlfriend is already proving my point by eating half his mini pizza.she gives him the look, he looks at me and says "dammit." i laugh then go on to say "and then she" i point to angel girl and continue "whenever i do something she doesnt want me to, she puts on a mad face and makes me feel bad, when she does something that annoys me or makes me mad she gives the same look your girlfriend gives you so i cant be mad at her." so angel girl gives me the same look as my friends girlfriend is giving him we look at each other then at them and tell them "be very glad i love you." to the girls they smile and hug us and laugh. we just hug them back and look at each other. like i said life lately has been chaotic but im enjoying it, just like angel girl is enjoying and milking every bit she can out of the fact that i love her. any way thats all for now folks.
life is too short to worry about whats happened before but too long to not wonder about whats ahead