Happy '07 everyone! I know New Years resolutions are totally retarded and no one keeps them, so I'm going to try to fix that. I've made a list of things I'm going to try not to do anymore, and things I'm going to continue. Here it is:
- Eat healthier, and only with medication (Don't ask. 3,000 pills to take every morning and night.) - Be nicer to Hannah (I almost broke this one already) - Be more open to new ideas - Ride bikes with Julia more, and teach her to ride without training wheels - Get over depression (Long story.) - Write more soulful music, and less poems with a beat - Play the piano frequently - Be more generous - Stop cussing (This one will be hard, so I've agreed to cuss on occasion only.) - Stop being such a b***h to everyone (That would be one of them.) - Wear more arm jewelry (4 people think I'm cutting myself. Who am I to crush their creativity?)
And, finally...
- Be able to say "Eric" straight-up without feeling like burying myself alive.
Eventually, I'll be able to talk to him without tearing up. But until then, I'm going to gripe about it to Steph, Laura, and Song until they feel like killing me. Hell, Steph's already there.
I love you Stephanie! sweatdrop
Yeah, well, we celebrated NY with some sparkling red grape juice and about 6 dozen sparklers. (I don't want to explain what they are, so if you don't know, don't comment saying so only.) I threw a sparkler at my tree, and it caught fire. surprised Who would have thought? It's not the dry season. We've actually gotten rain in the last week. The tree caught on fire just for me.
I know, I'm special.
Well, only a little of the tree, and I threw Rachel's jacket over it. Rachel is uber much PISSED at me right now, but she'll get over it.
I hope. confused
Your lord and master, Lois
LongWayHome · Mon Jan 01, 2007 @ 06:51am · 1 Comments |