So, yeah. I've been invited to camping with Stephanie and Laura, leaving tomorrow. It's going to be so much fun! I've officially decided NOT to bring my cell phone because my parents have told me not to. And they pay the cell phone bill. sweatdrop I kind of have no choice in the matter.
Right now I'm listening to Good Enough by Evanescence. It's so beautiful. I absolutely adore the piano in it. It makes me wish I could still play the piano really well. In, like, 5th grade, the piano was my only emotional outlet. I really couldn't draw, so, naturally, music was next on the line. I wrote about seven piano solos or songs with piano accompanist. I can only remember the accompanying part to Duct Tape Tragedy though. Talk about disappointing. Duct Tape Tragedy is probably the single saddest song I ever wrote that wasn't about suicide. [Trust me, I have several suicide songs lined up for the counting.] I'm going to record it soon, as in, on a demo cd and send it to my Aunt Terry. She's apparently really good friends with someone in some random small town record company. I dunno.
I wrote a new song yesterday. It's called No Questions Asked, All Answers Given. I'm going to videotape myself singing it tonight and post it in a later journal entry or something. I dunno. Maybe I'll even sing it at school if anyone cares enough to listen. I've officially decided to stop promoting my songs at school, but start saying what I wrote HERE and see if anyone cares about my life enough to check this journal or ask me what I've written lately.
Is it possible to know you're anorexic? I've eaten a total of eight meals over nine days. It's hard to tell if I'm not eating subconsciously because I know I have a weight problem or if I'm doing it because I'm not hungry. I can't really tell. Mind you, I think anorexic people are retarded attention whores who are so desperate, they'd risk their lives for someone to ******** care about them. And refuse to acknowledge that they're a failure to stop trying to act reasonably and resort to self-destruction. But yeah. I can't really tell. If you see me at school, ask me what I had to eat that morning. And you'll know if I'm lying or not- I'm a TERRIBLE liar. I even lie terribly online. I'm pathetic in my own awesome way, I suppose.
Steph and I went to Fiesta Texas today. I forced her onto the Road Runner, Wagon Wheel, and SS Overboard. She forced me onto the Spinning Pool Balls Ride Thingy. [Note: Not the actual name of the ride.] We both decided to go on the swings. We were at Fiesta Texas for six and a half hours. Oh goodie. The lines were atrocious. Some new ride had just opened. Tony Hawk's Big Spin or something along that path.
I found ECPW's phone number in my journal! [Note: ECPW is also known as b*****d Boy Eric Prochnow.] It's 830-866-3717. I was shocked I wrote it down in pink pen, though. I must have been having a mood swing when I wrote it or something.
That's about it, I'd imagine.
Your Lord and Master, Lois
LongWayHome · Thu Mar 15, 2007 @ 05:00am · 2 Comments |