- Stale Pasta's Gallery
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Artist Info:
Name: Austin Fisher<br />
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Age: 22<br />
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Area: Trenton Ohio<br />
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About:<br />
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I'm a young animator who loves playing games, reading books, and watching anime. I'm hoping to one day make 3D animated movies, but sadly I've got to work my way up to that. I've got my degree now all I need is work experience. Also I'm just now getting back into this site. I use to play on it a lot back in the days, but I just forgot about it at some point. So I'm looking for friends, and new people to talk to. <br />
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If you want me to draw something for you feel free to ask. I'm always down to do art, and if it's something cool then I'll be more than happy to throw you a freebie. You can check out my portfolio here. http://stalepasta.wix.com/stalepasta<br />
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- Avg. rating:
- 25 Fans
- Original Avatar
- 7 recent comments
A 15 year old
boy from the
describing his
life..... - A traitor thr...
- Fiction
- 0 recent comments
Its about a
man and a women
who are in love
and how she
finds him
attractive and
why she loves
him - LOVE
- Fiction
- 3 recent comments
I hope who ever
reads it
actually likes
it because i am
still 13 and i
want to be a
famous writer
in - I am....
- Fiction
- 4 recent comments
Its about
Stalia and
Clovis when
they are
however a dark
force enters
the castle an - Chapt. 2
- Fiction
- 1 recent comments
Comments (12 Comments)
- THE GODDESS OF CHAOS54 - 02/28/2009
- hehe ^^ well saw ur new posted art and i luv them
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- Prismatic Unicorn - 01/14/2009
- thanks for favorite
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- -GingerInvasion- - 12/13/2008
- I love your art. I was sort of like an Emo before I even knew there was a word for it. Now I just get frustrated that people don't always see how others suffer inside. I'm not Emo anymore because I found that i do have friends, even in the bad times. Keep looking. Things will get better.
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- Stale Pasta - 12/12/2008
- thanx everyone for ur support
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- XDZenLeeDX - 12/07/2008
- ur really really good. so dont kill urself and continue to do art. art makes the world go round. and ur art makes people stop nd think. continue.
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- shadami - 12/06/2008
- it's all really good. to bad if they can't see properly >.>
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- rissietheinnocence - 12/06/2008
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