• Kurogane sat under a tree by the massive playground, alone.

    Many other children were at play, jumping around, playing tag, everything normal children would do. It was a happy and carefree enviroment... and it annoyed the hell out of poor Kurogane.

    No one bothered the mean, grumpy boy sitting under the sakura tree for fear of getting beaten up or worse. So the red-eyed boy sat there, isolated from everyone else.

    Suddenly a blonde, blue-eyed boy ran up to him. Arms spread out like he was about to glomp Kurogane.

    "Hey! You wanna come play?" the smiling newcomer asked. Kurogane glared at him and stayed glued to his spot.

    The blonde tugged on Kurogane's arm and began to pull him up. "C'mon! You gotta come play!" He waved his arm as if signaling someone to come over and help him.

    Rather than just someone coming to help, a set of seven now stood behind the blue-eyed boy. Kurogane scowled at each and everyone one of them. "What do you people want?"

    "They're my friends!!" The boy bounced around happily before placing his hands over his mouth. "Oh dear, I forgot! I didn't tell you my name!!" He smiled. "I'm Fai." Then he turned and pointed to each of his friends.

    A blue-eyed, black-haired boy with glasses who appeared very scrawny for his age. "That's Watanuki-kun."

    A tiny bit more muscular boy with gold eyes. "And there's Domeki-kun."

    A girl with spiral pigtails and violet eyes. "Himawari-chan."

    Brown-haired twins with only two differences: their personalites and their eyes, one sported amber eyes while the other had one blue, one amber. "Syaoran-kun and Syaoron-kun."

    A auburn haired girl with green eyes. "Then there's Sakura-chan."

    "And last but certainly not least, Moko-chan." A tiny blonde girl, wearing a white dress and a plastic tiara with a red jewel in the center, stood by Fai. She clapped her hands when she heard her name.

    She glomped Kurogane then sat on his lap. "Hi hi!!"

    "Erk! M-mokona, you s-shouldn't jump others like that." Syaoran franticaly stuttered.

    Mokona pouted. "But I'm comfortable!!"

    Kurogane's eye twitched, his anger slowly boiling over, "Get off!!"

    "Wah! Scary scary!" Mokona teased while running behind Sakura. She poked her head from behind Sakura every few seconds. Giggling each time she saw Kurogane's annoyed look.

    "Annoying girl." Watanuki commented, adjusting his glasses. Syaoron, amused by Mokona's usual antics, just grinned at the sight.

    "So what's your name?" Himawari asked before she giggled. "Fai-kun has been abusing you and we don't even know your name."

    Kurogane was reluctant about giving his name to the group of potentail lunatics but gave it anyway. "Kurogane."

    "Hyuu!! We'll call you Kuro-rin! Or Kuro-tan!" Fai exclaimed. Proud of his nickname-giving skills.

    Mokona sprang out of her 'hiding' spot. "Kuro-tan!" She glomped Kurogane, causing him to stumble and fall.


    Fai just couldn't resist the urge and oppertunity. Grabbing Himawari and Sakura, who, in fear, grabbed Watanuki and Syaoran, Fai hollered, "DOG PILE ON KURO-WOOFWOOF!!"

    They screamed as they fell into a muddle of disorder on the ground.

    Domeki stared down at the pile. "Well..."

    Standing by him, Syaoron tried to contain his laughter. "This is a lovely um... mess."

    Kurogane, at the very bottom of this pile-up, surprisingly didn't feel angry. Even if he was being squished to death by random people he, for once, felt content and.... happy. But he would never allow his stone cold image to fall and crumble, regaining his rage he yelled, "GET OFF OF ME NOW BEFORE I KICK YOUR BUTTS!!!!"

    Feeling the horible fury that was Kurogane come out, Himawari, Watanuki, Syaoran, and Sakura scrambled to get off. Mokona jumped on Kurogane once then bounced off. Leaving only Fai on Kurogane.

    "Nyah!" Fai snuggled into Kurogane's chest. "Kurogane shouldn't be so mean!"

    That as the last straw for Kuro. "Why you-" He aburptly stood up knocking Fai down. "I'll get you..." An anger vein popped in his head.

    "Wai, Kuro-pu is gonna get me!!" Fai scrambled to get up and dashed away. "But you'll never catch me! I'm the gingerbread man!!" He laughed evilly.

    Kurogane chased after him. Determined to hunt him down. Soon the others joined forces with Kurogane to get Fai.

    "He's over here!" Syaoron yelled. They all ran after him.

    Fai giggled, "Never catch me!"

    "Now he's over there!" Mokona declared.

    Hours passed and they just couldn't catch him. One by one the all had to give up and go home. It was now down to Kurogane. But Fai hid himself so well Kurogane just couldn't find him.

    Then he heard snoring. He snuck over to the noise and found Fai, fast asleep by the sakura tree where they first met a few hours earlier.

    Kurogane smiled softly before poking the boy's sides.

    Fai woke up and looked up at Kurogane, "Aw, you found me..."