• Chapter 2

    "Ari." said Jason grabbing my hand and holding it close to him.
    "Yes?" I asked. Right now I felt very happy and sad all at the same time.
    "I will keep my promise to you." he answered, his soft brown hair blowing slightly.
    I let go of his hand and said strongly, "I don't want you ruining your life for me." As I said this the tears started to come again.
    "Ari," he started kissing my hand, "I already told you, I would be ruining my life if I didn't come see you."
    I grabbed his hand and put it on my cheek. "Promise me you'll stay here, with all your friends."
    "I can't make that promise." he answered wiping my tears with his hand.
    Then he picked me up and we started to kiss.

    At this moment, I felt joy but the second he released me I finally execpted that this was out last kiss together.
    I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.
    Then he said, "Don't forget me."
    I kissed his cheek and then rested my head on his chest.
    "I promise, nothing would ever make me forget you."
    Then he kissed me one last time before I had to run to my dad's car.

    As I waved goodbye to the perfect boy who chose me over every other girl in the school, I silently cried. He stood there and as we drove further, Jason was just a memory.

    Then in a couple of hours we made it to California. As I stepped out of the car I had mixed emotions. I felt envy for the beautful girls that walked arounf the beach in tiny bikinis. Then Ilooked at my dull brown hair and my dull brown eyes as I compared them to the beatiful girl's sun kissed blonde beach hair and baby blue eyes that sparkled like Jason's. Then I felt calm whenever I would breathe the sea air and listen to the waves crash on the shores. As I took all this in I felt a warm glow like I did whenever I was with Jason. Then, that name, it hit me, I wouldn't and couldn't ever see him again, and for the first time I felt totally alone.

    I ran into my new house and the tears started coming down faster and harder than before. I took a picture of him out of my pocket and a single tear fell on it. He signed it, 'Your my angle, don't forget me.' The words rang in my head. I lay there on my bed for a while and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

    "Ari! Arianna! It's the first day of school WAKE UP!" my dad yelled from downstairs. Then my annoying little brother Luke came in my room. "Wake up Ari! You wouldn't want to miss your first full day with Jason." he taunted.
    I pushed him off of my bed downstairs.

    My mom kissed me goodbye and I went outside to walk to school. As I entered I felt a new confidence. I would make a friend today! Then a girl ran into me. "Oh!" she said nervously, "I wasn't watching where I was going." she started to get little pools of tears in her eyes. "Hey! Don't cry. It was my fault anyway." I answered. "Oh, you mean, your not a mean girl?" she asked releaved and blushing a bright red.

    "What's you name? Oh and no, I'm not a mean girl, just the new girl." I said laughing beside myself. "Olivia. What's your name?" she asked. "I'd like to know that too." I spun around to see who said that. Then a boy walked up to me. He was tall, muscly, and had the perfect blonde wave of surfer hair. "I'm Ari." I said blushing. "Oh well, Ari, how about you and me going on a date to the beach on Saturday." he asked. Then Olivia pulled me aside.

    "Ari! He's the most POPULAR guy in school!" she said excitedly. "Olivia, he's just a person and besides I have a boyfriend," I said and then added in a mumble, "In another state." "So what! Your just going to let Chase's sweet lips go to waste! Your old boyfriend probibly already has another girlfriend. Just do it!" Olivia coaxed. I thought this all over. Maybe she was right. What if Jason betaryed me, any other boy would have. "Alright, I'll go give Chase a little answer!" I said giggling.

    "So? What do you say? This Saturday! The beach, we'll have a romantic sunset dinner on the beach." Chase said flipping his blonde wavy hair. "Alright! It's a date!" I answered blushing and giggling. Then he kissed my cheek and went to class.

    What had I done! I betrayed Jason's trust! Little did I know what I had gotten myself into.

    To Be Continued...