• There's this girl who no one knew,no one seen,and no one heard.She always hides and you can never see her face because she always look down and never says a thing.She stays in the corner all day and always has this journal with her that she writes in everyday.The teachers
    never call on her because shes always in the back.She comes home crying and then writes in
    her journal and no one knows what she writes.They try to see they try to peak but still
    they can never understand why shes so quiet.Then one day when she was walking home this boy accidentally ran into her and dropped all her books and his also.He apologized and helped her up and then that was the first time he saw that shy,quiet girls face who lives in shadows. When she looked up she realized that this was a boy from school and she noticed that he was pretty cute.
    "Hey."he would say "sorry about that." "I-Its ok..." "Your names Ellie right?"
    "Ye,yes my names Ellie." she would murmur only to hear a whisper of it. "Well hi my names
    Christian." "Hi Christian" Ellie said.
    Christian helped her with her books. "Its nice to meet you Ellie."
    "Nice to you meet." she stuttered. Ellie blushed. "Oh whats that i see a smile,Christian
    said surprised to see that pretty girl smile. "Your really pretty Ellie,why hide your face?" "um I-I'm sorry I gotta get home." "Bye!" she
    shouted. "wait!" I wanna ask you something!" Then just like that Ellie disappear leaving
    that wonderful,curious boy in silence,wondering about that mysterious Ellie.