• Everything shall remain the same.Untill the day a young man looks out his office window and sees a strange symbol in the sky,at the same time the world leaders recieve a garbled message anouncing an invasion.The following days a draft is enacted for a war for the world.When the invaders arrive the soldiers are afraid of what they might be fighting.Aliens come out of strange craft and then the craft disappears.Only a hundred of the beasts against the thousands of men,armed to the teeth with weapons, looks good for the humans.The men fired round after round at the creatures but to no avail.When they ran out of ammunition,the beasts slaughtered them.Only one man survived.At the last second the young man put his arms over his head and twin blades sprouted from them.He was saved by the skin of his.....arms.He killed the beasts that fell his comrades.It appeared as though the war was won.The next day the world leaders received another message,this one saying that the test was over and they would launch their real attack in thirty earth days.The young hero was sent to train a new generation of samurai,for these beasts were impervious to todays modern warfare.One soldier excelled at this skill and became the leutenant.Thirty days later the invasion still had not come by nightfall.The luetenant stormed out of the barracks upset by something unknown.She walked right into the invasion without her swords.The savior seeing this rushed to her rescue, and was just in the knick of time.She said"No!I'm not leaving I'm going to fight!"he just smiled and said,"I never said to leave."and pulls two swords off of his back,and places them in her arms."Now go fight."he said slaying five more of the beasts.The war was won, the Earth was saved.the "savior",or so he was called, and his wife ,the ex-luetenant,open a dojo to train young people in the ways of the sword.Fourteen years after the war was won,the man that had saved the world ,with some help,dies.Upon death the blades fade away into nothingness.During his funeral,which is attended by the world leaders,soldiers,his students,and his wife.It rains,but the sky is clear.That day not just those who attended cried at his death,but the world's population.