• Prologue

    Unlivings are immortals without souls. Souls are for those who are impure. Impurity, innocence, and ignorance is not the way of the Mage Council, the followers of Martel, who are Unliving. The world where the White Mage Council reigns is tied with a deep bond, unbreakable to Earth and also...to the world of the Black.

    The Black Source, the followers of Damien, inhabit the area known as Demonia, The Dark Worlds where Impurities are banished to. Demonia and the Black Source do not abide the Angelic Commandments as the Mage Council does, but they resort to Hostility, Betrayal, and Death to keep the lesser Sources in check.

    The White Mage Council and the Black Source once respected the each others boundaries and ways of living, Until, the Deities Appeared.

    The three worlds of Martel are Esperelda, Tespion, and Sivia. The three worlds of Demonia are Griffin, Marmime, and Dracolifphe (sounds like Dracoleaf). The worlds are in peril, and there are only three Mages that can restore the equilibrium to the Worlds and Regions.

    Rin, the Pure Light
    Yumisaki, the Wise Air
    Raiken, the Pert Spirit

    This is the Tale of Rin, the Purest of Light, who toiled, sacrificed, and gave up her everything to seek the balance of both her worlds and....her family.