• In the kingdom of Azurelst,the people started a revolt against the capital Remimmous,and the king of Azurelst.Through the times of the eight dark lords,Cretents;the Fallen Angel,Azire;The Star of Darkening,Baliences;The Dark Despair,Brigiumim;The Pendulum of the Guillotine,Mezotrozen;The Bloodshed of Time & Death,Denorith;The Dementor of Creature,Digimends;The Armageddon Ruler,Doethelliam,The Minuet of Death & Judgement.
    These eight lords were by the only one that our republic fears the most,Demontinenz;The Lord of Apocalypse & Judgement Day,Mind Bender & Soul Crusher.We fight now with each other,while they slaughter us,the essance of the human race will never be seen again.Now,you can understand our story.

    With the wind blowing sand into our kingdom,we have no sight.We are the only kingdom left,we have been fools,killing all of our followers for money,only leaving us.How can only five-million people kill an army of seventeen-trillion and more reinforcements coming every minute,at least one thousand by a month?

    Our search out squadrens have been looking for people in other in nations.We have found at least ten other kingdoms,now we have a population of one trillion.We have expanded our kingdom to half of the world.As the sun continues to darken into a molten ball of despair,it fades away more and more each day.

    A month later,it has been quiet,the sun has flared up once again,but now the earth does not spin,only our side has light the demons live in dark now,This prevents us to invade,this has put us in a setback from ridding the world of those retched creature.Now there army must have grown to fifty-trillion.

    Now of these changes,the revoltion has stopped since we seem to only have an ounce of hope.

    Now we see a to what seem to be black grass sprouting very quickly.Later,we realize that it's an invasion,we assemble an army of at least five million.Now,we move out.We clash swords and claws,scythes and spears,arrows and bombs,magic vs gold,brains vs bronze.Looks as if we have destoyed all of the army,and Cretents(one of the eight mages).Now,since they have lost one of their lords,the sun now when over to their side as well.

    We learned soon enough that they have opened a portal,that is how their army kept on building.The opener of the portal was Denorith;The Dememtor of Creatures.We sent a guard to their side for the lords to slaught,but before he would die he would give a messages to Denorith,"We live in peace on the other side,our army grows every second,fifty by fifty.You will never dement us."Just a ploy though,we live in fear of them.As soon as Denorith would feel cocky enough,the ambush would begin.

    We saw him arrive,Denorith.But we were suprised he brought an army.We only needed five men but the king would go in battle by himself which he insisted.He soon killed all of them,but he was badly poisoned by Denorith's poisoned rune dagger.He soon becomes very weak,now that we've realized that our kingdom will crumble like our king will die,WE WILL ATTACK AT DAWN!!!!!!Now we have a fair fight.

    Both of our kinds have lined up,soldier facing demon,demon facing soldier.Only one hundred feet from each race.We charge into battle,although Demontinenz and our leader of the army Rasangen stay back.The war ground,littered with blood and dead bodies.I,however was a surviver just laying there on the field because of my painful wounds.As I watch on I see Rasangen and denomtinenz running toward each other with tenacity in their eyes.Then,as they clashed swords,Demontinenz's sword slipped off Rasangen's sword and pierced his heart.All hope had seemed to disperse,But then in a glowing distance,in front of the horizon,our king stood.

    The final battle has awoken.They dark monster absord all of the spirital essance of the blood of the monsters and fiercely rushed to our king.The king soon ran to me and lifted my head,put me on his back,then rushed back to the kingdom.There the monster followed,and where the king had put up bombs.With me,the king,the queen,he blew up the castle.The king and queen and I and Demontinenz died in the explosion.Now the animals could live in peace.No monster could harm the universe and no human would kill anymore.