• I walked home in the rain, watching my hair curl and frizz in front of my face. It was 45 degrees outside, I couldn't feel my hands. My legs and feet hurt so badly they went completely numb. I walked the 3.8 miles home, which would take me about three hours. Yesterday had been a perfectly sunny day, apparently weather changes, at least that's what I thought as I looked down at my dark blue t-shirt and denim shorts. No jacket, no umbrella, nothing. Just the warmth of my soon to be completely numb body. "He" was walking behind me, my heart-breaker, my ex, my no good cheating, lying ex, John. He was probably trying to harrass me, or maybe just embarrass me in front of everyone. I was five minutes away from my house, but John wouldn't stop following me. I had no choice, even with all the pain I was feeling I had to lose him. I ran the curb and jumped the wall, I heard his footsteps speeding up. I ran faster, and hid between two small walls behind a white broken gate someone had bend so they could fit through. I held my breathe, my stomach was about to explode, my vision blurred out; I passed out. I woke up, looking around confused. I was at the same place I was when I fainted. Except, this time, there was a jacket over me, and a letter..
    It smelled like John's cologne, and the letter read:

    Most guys just say sorry, I give you my JACKET.
    P.S. I'm sorry