• It was midnight and there was no one around. I could hear the soft howl of the wind rushing through the street. It was all dark,stormy and pitch black all around me. All of a sudden I saw a grey and white wolf. I listened as it howled into the midnight sky. The wolf stared into my eyes for a while. The wolf only stopped when another wolf answered the call. I stared in silence as the wolf left. Then everything went black.
    I woke up. It was twelve pm. Was I dreaming? I wondered. "Wait a second!" I said aloud to myself. Then I checked the clock again. It said 12:02. "Im late for school!" I said to myself. I sprinted out of my room, down the stairs and down to the living room where i found my mother watching t.v. "Mom, I'm late for school!" I told my mom. "No you are not. I called the school and said you were sick." My mom informed me. "Why?" I asked. What my mom said next was suprising, "Because you were throwing up last night." I was throwing up last night? Was all I could think about. Then I went outside.
    When I got outside it was warm and sunny. I could feel the cool air softly hit my face. As I walked around I noticed that there was dirt in the shape of a paw print, marking where the wolf had been. Then I went inside and went in my room. My room was like any other room. It had a bed, a desk, a dresser and some posters on the walls.
    I sat on my bed and started thinking about the wolf last night. How did I get out there without my mom knowing? I thought. How did I get out there in the first place? The more I thought about it the more questions I had. When I went back outside I went to check the mail. What I found in there was suprising.
    I found a free ticket for a special place at a carnival. It was called "The Transformation Hall". What it also said was suprising too. "Be what you want to be for one whole hour.You can be anything from dragons to werewolves." I was thrilled. "OH YEAH!!" I yelled as loud as I could. I decided I would go the next day. I didnt know my life was about to change.
    The next day I went to The Transformation Hall. There was many options, but I chose werewolf. I have liked wolves for a long time so I wanted to try to be a wolf myself. Once i got to the hall i found that there was a door for each creature.I grabbed the handle to the werewolf door and opened it.
    When I went through the door i saw the person in charge of the werewolf hall. "Put this on and go into the hall" The guy said. Then he handed me what looked like the skin of a wolf. I touched the rough, hard skin and slipped it on. At first it felt itchy, then it began to feel like it was sinking into my skin. This is awesome! I thought to myself. Then I went further.