• The Beginning

    On a hill on the outskirts of town there is a huge, Gothic style mansion. This is also an ancient weeping willow tree. A solitary dark figure sits under this tree overlooking a cemetery as the sun begins to rise.

    Dressed in a black mini-skirt and halter top with buckle-up platform boots, I watched as the sun began to lighten the sky from pitch black to soft gray. My rottweiler, Star, layed next to me with her head on her paws. She is clearly asleep.

    As the sky begins to turn from gray to soft pink, my phone started vibrating. I unclipped my blackberry from my belt and hit the send button. "Yes, my dear?"

    A deep voice, almost like Vin Diesel's, answered back. "Hey baby. Are you coming back to the mansion before full dawn?" My fiancee, Sebastian, is a vampire. But not just any vampire. He is the Prince and he is head of the council. In other words, he is the ruler of the vampires.

    "Yeah." I sighed. Ever since I had gotten engaged to Sebastian, well maybe even since we started dating, I had become completely spoiled. I never wanted for anything. All I had to do was ask for something and it was given to me. Thats how we ended up in Miami. I wanted the sun back. We had been living in the cloudiest, darkest part of northern Washington before I finally told him that I was leaving. He was welcome to come if he wanted to but I couldnt stand it there anymore. So we, me him and the council, all packed up our bags and moved here.

    "Its just that we've got school today." He sounded ecstatic to be going. I could hear members of the council talking in the background. It sounded like they were just sitting down to breakfast.

    I stood up and took one last look at the beautiful sky. It was August 21st, the first day of school. It was my senior, and final, year. I had dropped out of school when I was "younger" and had refused to go back until now. I chose to go back because I was back in Miami. "I'm headed in now. See you in a few."

    "A few." Was all I heard before the arguing broke out in the background and the phone was completely silent. It sounded like my friends, the non-vampires, were not getting along so well with the vampires. I sighed as I walked to the back door. 'What a way to start the day.' I though to myself.