• The boy snapped his head up,letting his arms drop limply to his sides.He couldn't believe he was dead,honestly dead,sure he had always thought about killing himself but he was never serious about it.He figured his life could always turn around right?Once you hit rock bottom you couldn't go anywhere but up."Come on kid, I ain't got all day."His voice was rather impatient and annoyed this time,pulling up his wrist to look at it like he had a watch.He didn't.The boy frowned at Deaths impatience,didn't he care that he was trying to comply with the fact he had died?Or had at least been told he was dead?Death groaned,seeing the boy was being stubborn and hadn't moved and so he plucked him up off the ground,pulling the boy by his hood as he fumbled over his two translucent feet.His converse scuffing at the tip from hitting the sidewalk and squeaking in the rain as he was dragged along.The boy grunted,trying to get away from Death's grip,unsuccessfully."Where are you taking me?"He managed,happy to have his voice come out this time.He was so confused with this whole thing,he was dead,as from what he heard and was being dragged away to some mysterious location with Death.What a wonderful day.He looked over at his body,glancing back at it too see how pale he looked now,he wondered,was he cold and scaly feeling like they said you were when you died?Death was supposed to be peaceful but he so far hadn't gotten any peace.Did everyone see themselves dead like this?Lying there while they were dragged away by someone?He jumped,his thoughts broken by Death speaking."I'm taking you to Limbo.You'll be staying there."He said nonchalantly before yanking the boy forward to stand next to him.He hoped to god this was a dream,a big fat dream that would poof away any second so his dad could wake him up with a beer bottle to the smell of weed downstairs.Then again,since when had god ever been on his side?He glanced around his surroundings,taking in where they were.The middle of town,in front of the large Angel statue that held a heart,cradling it like it was a baby.It was covered in moss and dark from the rain hitting it,it looked like it was crying.Had he never noticed that before?He must not have seeing as he had spent hours just laying in the town square,watching birds or sleeping in a tree and away from home.Death rose his blade,making the boy freeze,scared stiff at the thought of what the blade had done.He gently tapped the stone heart on the statue,slowly turning it red and shiny.The boy starred wide eyed,amazed by this simple act before he heard Death speak."Death Row,Limbo Underworld."His voice boomed,echoing in the boys ears before he saw Death look at him,bored as he felt the ground fall beneath him and his eyes see the heart shimmer brilliantly,making him shut his eyes.He wasn't sure what happened after that,his mind was blank and he felt like he was dreaming.It was a coma-like state leaving him with no recollection of where he was.It was all black,like the darkest night and he thought this was death,this was what it was and this is how it would stay but that didn't last long.Voices,distant voices rang through his ears with unreadable words he wanted to hear.He didn't know who they belonged to or what they were saying but he didn't care,he wanted to wake up,wanted to get up and breath.He let out a groan,thanking the lord he had gotten a sound out of him,causing more chatter around him.Opening his green eye he moaned,shutting it just about as soon as he had opened it.It was to bright compared to the darkness he had been seeing.He draped an arm over his eyes and slowly cracked then both open,letting small amounts of light in before he dropped his arm and blinked.His eyes were met by a pair of shiny curious turquoise ones,it scared him so much that he flinched back,his head meeting the back of a pillow.It was a girl,she was starring at him like he was a shiny new toy and her smile was almost as big as the moon.Why was she starring like that?Wasn't she ever told it was rude to stare?A familiar face pushed the girls head,sending her toppling onto the floor in a yelp.The boy grinned at this,served her right for starring like that."Stop Starrin' you little freak.He ain't your new pet."It was Death,he was wearing a scowl on his lips.Though the boy was glad he had pushed the girl off the bed he was sitting it,or laying rather,she was kinda freaky in his opinion.Having someone look at him at all was weird but starring,that was defiantly strange.He glanced at the girl,who had sat up instead of being sprawled on the floor like when she had fell,glaring at Death who was still scowling in her direction."What' the big idea Xavy!?I was just curious to see who he was!It's rare someone gets brought down here so don't get your panties in a bunch!"She stuck her tongue out childishly,crossing her arms and pouting as she grinned.Death frowned,reaching over to a small couch in the room and grabbing the pillow off of it,chucking it toward the girls head.She ducked,making him miss "Shut your hole you annoying little twerp!Shouldn't you be delivering Mail or something?!"He scowled,running his hands through his hair before his gaze set on the boy who let out a snicker at the argument.Death gripped him by the chin,pulling him close and examining his face "Yup,pupils are gone and so is his pulse."He glanced at the girl before looking back to the boy and releasing his chin,standing back up straight."He's defiantly ours now."He nodded,making his way over to the small couch and sitting down,leaning back,a thoughtful look on his face that made the boy quirk an eyebrow before feeling pressure on the side of the bed.It was the girl,leaning on the bed on her knees and peeking over it with curious eyes.She smiled,shoving her hand near his face "Hiya!I'm Winter!"She exclaimed happily introducing herself.The boy couldn't help but wonder how long she had been wanting to do that.He hesitated,glancing slowly over at her extended hand before tentatively reaching up and shacking it "Hi,I-m -"He paused,racking his brain for that piece of information."I-I dunno..I'm sorry I can't seem to remember."He whispered,looking down and dropping his hand.Death snapped his head up "You what?"He asked,standing and making his way over and quirking an eyebrow,searching the boys face."What are you deaf?He said he couldn't remember!"The girl spoke up,getting another glare from Death,and almost another pillow thrown.