• Everything seems so new and brilliant in the eyes of a child. So wonderfully fantastic that it all needs to be taken in at once. So they go on their merry little way, no care in the world, and suddenly they stumble on a brick in the road, something terrible or strange that this world has to offer. Sex, adultery, divorce, unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages, and worst of all, death.

    Still trying to understand everything that they can, their imaginations take over the discovery. They take their friends, siblings, and attempt to act it out, take something and try to make it match with everything else that they've learned. Try to put a happy emotion with a terrible thing.

    Confused, the child tries to search further for more information, something more to understand, to help them take in the bad they have been exposed to. The smart ones stop when they've discovered something else, or found something to distract themselves. The bold ones push on, finding out more than they'd ever hoped, and usually the hard way. And then, there are those select few that understand it all in the blink of an eye, already know what it is without really knowing what's happening.

    I am one of those few.

    My name is Kelly Walker.

    This is MY story.