• It was snowing. The large flakes fell to the earth, kissing the pavement for a brief second before melting. The sidewalk was wet, and the snow that had coated the surface now stuck to my shoes. I stomped my feet, hating the way the frozen crystals rendered the rubber soles cold and unforgiving towards my toes. A sound brushed past my ears and I looked up. A girl was dancing in the snow. Her pink dress stood out in the whitened world, and barely came to her knees. Her unembellished arms were thrust out, and propelled her body around and around. Her bare legs, clad only with rubber boots, danced in such a way that it memorized me. The girl giggled again, then sensing she had an audience, turned toward me.
    "Hello," she said, smiling at me, not the least bit embarrased at being caught dancing in the snow. Her brown hair brushed her shoulders and her brown eyes smiled at me. To some, she would be called plain. To me, she was so pure, I felt like I was soiling her by just looking at her. "I'm Danna," she giggled again. When she smiled, her eyes closed, as if the joy she felt was so wonderful, she was trying to make it last longer.
    "I'm Oliver," I said, still gazing at this angel in awe.
    "Oliver," she repeated. She said my name in such a sweet, soft way, I almost fell down on my knees and worshiped her. She had stepped closer to me, and I saw she had goosebumps bespeckling her arms. Almost automatically, I took off my coat and drapped it around her shoulders. She looked at me in surprise for a moment, and then blushed, tucking my pea coat closer around her body.
    "What about you?" she asked, looking up at me. I looked at her quizically. "Aren't you cold?" she pointed to my arms.
    "No," I said, but I was starting to feel the wind cut through my shirt. She giggled again, the sound making my stomach flutter with unexpected nervousness.
    "Come on. I'll buy you some hot chocolate as a thank you," she said, taking my arm and pulling me across the street to the cafe. Although I didn't know it then, I would be spending the rest of my days loving a girl named Danna.