• “Go Sousuke!!!” Reika cheered for her boyfriend.
    “Nishiki is doing good too.” Momo said.
    “Oh my, does our little Momo have something for Nishiki? Hmm?” Reika teased. Momo began to blush as the game finally ended. Everyone began to cheer. Reika ran down to the field to congratulate Sousuke. We arrived down a little after her.
    “That was so awesome Sousuke! You scored the winning goal!” Reika kept cheering. Sousuke gave her a another hug, followed by a small peck on the cheek.
    “Thanks for coming.” He smiled, while holding her hand.
    “You really did great too Nishiki.” Momo blushed a little.
    “Hey, thanks.” Nishiki smiled. This was a small bit of happiness. I smiled to myself.
    “How did you like it Yuki?” I turned to Nishiki who asked me.
    “I thought everyone played very well today.” I replied.
    “Good to hear.” Nishiki smiled.
    “Nishiki!” Momo suddenly grabbed his arm, “You should definitely teach me those moves you displayed.” Momo looked a little shy but irritated. I didn’t know what to make of it.
    “Sure.” Nishiki is was still smiling.
    “Why do you want to see his moves? He didn’t score the winning goal.” Sousuke said.
    “That’s so rude Sousuke.” Reika punched him in his side playfully.
    “It’s fine. He’s just trying to show off because he wants you to think he’s cool. I don’t know if he told you yet, but he told everyone on the team he was in love with you. I think that is just so sweet.” Nishiki pretended to flutter his eyelashes.
    “You’re dead!” Sousuke chased Nishiki down the field. We all laughed as Reika blushed.
    “Miss Yuki” I turned around and saw Tamaki standing three yards away from us.
    Nishiki stopped running away from Sousuke.
    “I’ll see you all later.” I waved goodbye with a smile as I walked away.
    “Are you feeling well Miss Yuki?” Tamaki asked as he opened the back door for me.
    “Yes, thank you for asking.” I smiled and got into the car.
    “Miss Yuki, it seems you are needed at the main house.” Tamaki announced. I nodded with a smile. This must be important for me to be going to the main house. Only the immediate family lives there . I haven’t been to the main house in a while.

    “Don’t be afraid Yuki, just hold my hand and you’ll always be safe.” Kaoru took my hand and walked me up to the main house. Tamaki opened the door for us, and we passed through. It was huge inside and out.
    “Young master, welcome!” Butlers and maids were aligned in front of the door.
    “Young master, this way please; your father is waiting for you.” Tamaki ushered us into another room. Immediately as we entered the room, it smelled of sweet perfume. One long sofa appeared on both sides of a beige coffee table, where two people sat drinking tea.
    “Master Yumachi, your son has arrived.” Tamaki announced. The two people got up slowly, they looked really serious. But once they stepped in front Kaoru, everything changed.
    “Kaoru, my son!” The man hugged him with joy.
    “Old man…I advise you to let go of me.” Kaoru said with a calm expression.
    “Ooh, you really are more mature than the last time!” This man must be Kaoru’s father.
    “Excuse me.” An elderly woman cleared her throat and came forward.
    “What is that?” She asked, looking straight at me with a serious expression.
    “Her name is Sakurada Yuki.” Kaoru announced.
    “I don’t care who she is, I want to know why she is here.”
    “I brought her here to stay with me until I find her parents.” The woman looked at Kaoru with a glare.
    “I won’t allow her to live here.” The woman said.
    “It isn’t up to you. If you want me to the family‘s next successor, I accept. But she is my one condition.”
    “If she stays here, then you will not be able to live here either!” The woman yelled.
    “Mother!” The man stepped in, “Tamaki, please take my mother out to the garden to cool off. Mother I will handle this, so please calm down.” The man said as the woman was taken out of the room.
    “Please have a seat.” He instructed. Kaoru took my hand and I sat next to him on one of the sofa’s across from his father.
    “How old are you?” The man said kindly.
    “Four years younger than I am father.” Kaoru answered.
    “Where are your parents?”
    “She doesn’t know where they are.”
    “Kaoru, will you not let her speak for herself?”
    “No matter what you ask her, my decision will stay the same. I want her to stay by my side.” Kaoru had a serious look on his face.
    “I understand, but your grandmother will not be pleased. You must get your stubbornness from her.” Mr. Yumachi sighed.
    “Well, it really kills me to say this but…Kaoru, you will have to move out of the main house.”
    “Thank you.” Kaoru said.

    “Miss Yuki, we’ve arrived.” Tamaki was already opening the door for me. I stepped out of the car and took in the big mansion.
    I walked to the top of the stairs, in every step I felt nervousness hit me like a punch in the face.