• It was December when they took him;why.....I don't know.
    We were looking for shelter,shelter from the rain.
    Though the chances were there was none,we kept looking.
    Alex,or as I called him Ather,walked off notioning for me to stay still.
    Looking around at the bleak New York street I found nothing of intrest.
    All the musicians were either gone or looking for cover.
    Every minute or so a man would run out without an umbrella;
    holding his hands above his head trying to block the rain.I noticed a small family,
    a mother,father,and a child who looked around my age.
    He carried a toy;it was a small metal car,it's wheels were slightly bent,
    but it still seemed to roll fine.It had the number 48 on it's hood and a cheap orange paint job.
    He seemed disappointed with it,but I looked at it longing to have it.The boy noticed this,
    and walked off from his parents,to me.I looked away;
    Ather had told me not to talk to strangers.Though the boy still came over to me;
    he held out the car to me and said simply,"Take it." ,
    I looked at him in amazment for a moment and slowly took the car.
    Tears formed in my eyes,but I quickly wiped them away,"Thank you." ,
    He left not turning back.
    I found his parents were staring at me;
    they notioned him to go into the cab that had just pulled up in front of them.
    They started towards me;
    I looked around for Ather,for they were going to take me away I knew it...they were.

    "Who are you waiting for?",They asked as they stoped next to me,"My brother.",I lied;
    he wasn't my brother,but he was the only person I had.
    The woman knelt down and looked at me,"How long has he been gone?",
    I looked down the alley where Ather had gone,"A while.",once again I replied shortly,
    but they kept asking questions trying to get me to talk to them,"You think he'll be here soon?",
    I stared down the street not looking at them.Of course he will.
    What did they think he was dead?I caught them glancing at each other,"yeah.",
    that just made them look more worried."Maybe you should come with us.",
    The mothers hand shot out grabbing my arm.I Struggled but couldn't get out her grasp,
    "Let go i'm not going with you!",Ather must have heard me,
    cause about five seconds later he came out of the alley running towards me.
    He quickly broke the woman's grip on my arm.
    He didn't say anything just gave them a look saying,"go away.",I looked up at him;
    a brown bruise now covered his right cheek.The man grabbed his wife and quickly left,
    not saying a word.Ather looked down at me;I half expected him to start yelling at me,
    but he simply patted my head and notioned for me to follow him.

    The rest of our search ended up mostly boring:i'd follow behind him,the rain would wobble
    between a downfall and drizzle,and he'd turn and look at me ever so often.Around the
    third time He turned back I finaly realized that he wasn't looking at me.
    I looked down he had his hands in his pockets;usualy he would do that when
    a fight was about to break out.Someone was following us,but I didn't dare look back.
    I gently tugged on his sleeve;telling him I had got his signal.In a minute
    we'd run......

    After that everything went fast,very fast.Ather pulled his hands out his pocket;grabbed my
    arm and we were off,running down the street.I ran hard trying to keep up with Ather's pace,
    but the wet ground forced me to slip and lose my balance when I wasn't paying attention.
    The constant bustle of New York and trying to catch a glance of our chaser;made it hard to
    pay attention,but I held up.....until Aher slipped.
    We had ran into an alley,but while trying to dodge trash cans he stepped on the trash,
    and suddenly fell to the floor.I tried to help him up after I had gotten up myself,but before
    I could they caught us.I was pushed to the ground,and I found myself starring at the bloodied
    face of the only one who had taken care of me.They grabbed him and left,that simple.
    I couldn't get a good look at the thugs or Ather.All I heard was,"Don't tell anyone you name.",
    My name?I didn't know why ,but even till that moment he made sure
    I didn't tell anyone my name,and barely let others see me,"What's so bad about Sam?",
    My words ruffled by the rain falling on the concrete next to me.