• "Teddy... Teddy! Man! Slow down!" Riika yelled angrily.
    Teddy shot like an arrow through the looking glass, back and forth. He laughed merrily.
    "A flying lesson, science combined. Make yourself aerodynamic, hand singles, off you go!"
    It was true. He put himself as a star, something that would fly slower, and have drag. Teddy did go very very slowly. "Try it, Alyss. Go slow by outstretching your arms first. But keep your body as straight as possible."
    Alyssa did it; she flow over and under, to and fro!
    "What a lovely feeling!" the Mad Hatter cried out.
    He too, was flying about.
    "No traffic! What a coincidence!"
    Carrotop joined in, flying with the Mad Hatter, playing Tag.
    "Me too!"
    The Dormouse squealed excitedly, and because he was so small, he was as fast as a bullet.
    Alyssa laughed.
    "Me too!!"
    She glided quickly, almost as fast as the Dormouse. Using her hand single, she dodged Teddy. Riika tsk-tsked.
    "You know how to fly. Coordinates are simple too. 100-1, 100-0, 99-9 you get it."
    "Yep! I get it! Ahh!"
    Alyssa pointed to a mirror, shining in gold.
    "I guess time goes by quickly in the slower current."
    The Mad Hatter entered the mirror first, and everyone followed like human bullets. Alyssa did not hesitate, and flew straight into it.
    Alyssa flew into the mirror alright, but she landed on her bottom. She gingerly rubbed the pain source.
    "Welcome back to your kingdom, Your Highness."
    Alyssa gasped. It was worthy of it.
    The walls were a bright yellow with red velvet-silky looking curtains, covering large windows. Golden pillars seemed to hold up the ceiling. Two thrones were placed in the center of the room, high up on a platform with steps. The ceiling had a rich brown-gold color. It looked too good to be true.
    "I remember... My mom sat on that throne."
    She pointed to the throne to her right.
    "But that was papa's chair. She would tease him by sitting on it..."
    Teddy patted her gently as tears fell.
    "Cheer up, Alyss. Your mom would- no, she is proud. She must be proud for having a beautiful daughter like you, named after her. How about we see your old bedroom?"
    Teddy wiped Alyssa's tears. He jumped in front of her and smiled boyishly.
    "Remember? 'Rescue the Princess?'
    Alyssa laughed and cried, then nodded. Teddy grinned too.
    "Now that we have White Magic, we can conjure things and defeat them with magic!"
    Teddy grabbed her hand, and Alyssa blushed.
    "Come now! I really want to see that again!"
    He ran anxiously down the hall, as everyone else whistled, and watching.
    "Your on your own, sister! Help me, prince! Oh help me!" she said in a baby-mock tone. Everyone laughed, but Teddy didn't seem to notice. He slammed open the door excited. He suddenly started to laugh.
    "Look, your imaginary dragon is still here!"
    Behind the door, there was a sign and an empty cage. It said, CAUTION! DRAGON INVISIBLE!
    Alyssa laughed too.
    "Is my name really Alyss?"
    "Of course!"
    "Well... shall we play?"
    Teddy twirled a ball of White Magic around.
    "Ready when you are! First enemy..! A real invisible dragon!"
    He threw the ball into the cage, and then there was a silvery outline of a dragon. Fire came out, and burned Alyss' canopy.
    "No worries, Alyss. Fix your bed."
    A bunch of White Magic spheres where conjured and all tossed at the cage. The silvery outline was not disturbed.
    "Fix this burn
    Imperfection it is!
    Make it the same
    Before fire had its way!
    Alyss twirled her fingers like Teddy, and a small, green ball came out. She gently tossed it up to the canopy, and it healed, sparkled. It looked brand new.
    "Twirl your fingers in a different way! This dragon is a little hard, actually!"
    "It's invisible, stupid! It'll go right through!"
    "Oh.. right."
    Alyss sighed.
    "Invisible you may be
    Invisible you are not!
    Come out into being
    To a solid you are!
    She twinkled her fingers, like sprinkling sugar on cookies. A larger ball formed, and she threw it; hard.
    The dragon appeared. It was red and scaly, and quite frightening.
    "Aahh I almost failed spell creating! Er..! Help me out here!" Teddy panicked.
    Alyss sighed again, and twinkled her fingers again.
    "Large and red
    Scaley, well bred.
    Hard as stone
    Turn to bread!
    A ball, slightly smaller than the other appeared. She gently threw it, and it hit its face..
    The dragon promptly swallowed the magic.
    "I got it!" Teddy cried.
    "Disappear into none
    Into oblivion, turn to dust!
    A large sphere appeared. It was colored this time. The red sphere was chucked at the dragon. But, the dragon became bread. Alyss was about to pick it up until Teddy cast a spell at it. The bread turned to dust.
    "Ahh... There goes my meal."
    Alyss and Teddy laughed like kids.
    "My turn. It'll be cute, crazy, and deadly. You'll never know how to defeat it."
    "Wait. Just to be sure, we're practicing magic, okay?"
    Alyss nodded, and Teddy gave her a nod of readiness.
    "Oh, mighty monster!
    Be conjured upon
    This little cage, fit it all!
    Cute and fuzzy
    Deadly too.
    Come out monster!
    Do what you do!
    The largest ball of White Magic appeared. The green was bright, and Teddy whistled in approval. She tossed it at the cage. Teddy burst into laughter as Alyss sulked.
    "Thats deadly? Really?"
    He walked over to pet the conjured 'monster.' A rabbit sniffed the air, quite like Carrotop does. The rabbit hopped across the cage, afraid of Teddy.
    "Don't be afraid little guy." Teddy cooed.
    The rabbit did hop over, but its teeth were sharp, and it bit Teddy's finger. He gasped.
    "Ouch! What the hell?!" He clenched his fist, and green mixed with blood came out of the cut. "What the hell?! Its POISONOUS?!" Teddy struggled with thinking of a spell, and he was growing paler and paler.
    "Take out the harm
    Put back the blood
    This idiot needs life
    His blood is life.
    A pink ball shot at Teddy's face.
    "What the hell Alyss?!"
    "It wasn't me! Swear! My magic is green! And anyways, your cut isn't there! Its not gushing!"
    Their eyes darted to the door, where Riika blew her finger, like blowing gun smoke. "Foolish. A poison bite? Surely, you know Alyss would conjure something dangerous and cute?" She laughed manically, evilly.
    "Though I did lose a bet. The trio of idiots bet that you were practicing magic, and catching up on lessons. I bet.. other things." She winked at Alyss, and glared at Teddy.
    "You could of killed her! Put her in a traumatic state! Whats wrong with you?!"
    Teddy was about to argue until Alyss clenched her fist.
    "Don't talk to Ted like that! Teddy did nothing wrong but help me!"
    Riika was stunned.
    "Fine.. Just so you know, Teddy, she has no clue."
    She left swiftly.
    "Teddy, 'bout what?"
    "Nothing, Alyss..."
    Teddy was red in the face. He put his hands in his pockets and had a stubborn look on his face.
    "What, do you like me?"
    "No! No! No, no no!"
    Alyss put her hand on his shoulder, and he swatted it away.
    "Are you sick? You seem very warm.."
    "Teddy, lying is a deadly sin, and I demand you tell me whats wrong!"
    He looked up at her worried, angry face. It looked upset, but very mad.
    "I do like you. A lot. And, I thought that our friendship would be ruined if I told you. Okay? Happy? I love you. Since we we're kids. But Riika said that you had a boyfriend in the human world and.."
    "No, I don't."
    Teddy's sulking face looked up. It was now confused, and Alyss' was angry.
    "That Riika! I have a friend thats a boy, silly! His name is Nathan. He's a great friend.. But.."
    "But what?"
    "..hes nothing compared to you."
    Alyss' heart was beating fast again. She could not stand it anymore.
    "When I see you, my heart skips a beat. You looked like you didn't care at all! I was so worried! You smile, I smile wider knowing your happy. When I'm sad, I can't cry. You'll be worried."
    He shook his head, and embraced her.
    "I love you, Teddy. Riika won," Alyss whispered. "And I want you to be king, to help me protect this kingdom."
    Teddy pulled away.
    "My father. He says your too good for a villager like me.. and I'm.. just a boy. Your queen! Princess! You can do better.."
    He was about to run, but Alyss caught his hand.
    "Don't go!" Alyss yelled. "Please," she said softly. "I've dreamed of having a family with you in the human world. The face was so familiar, the children beautiful. A man was angry, we were happy. And I looked like how I do now. Please Teddy."
    Alyss whimpered softly as Teddy shook her hand off.
    "I'm sorry, but we have a war to fight.."
    She sobbed harder, and fell on the ground, as Teddy walked off, no expression on his face.