• Monster hunting was always a difficult task, especially if you were hunting monsters stronger then you. As long as you have friends there to back you up nothing could go wrong. I know exactly how it feels to walk a little too close to the path of death, only to be rescued by a friend. I am the goddess of what I like to call karma. My name is Morgan and I get myself into more trouble then the average damsel in distress.
    Living a world with rouge monsters can be challenging from time to time. Tagging along with the god of war, hell, earth, sky and water, I thought that nothing would come close to harming me. I was so wrong.
    Cory glanced at me with his shiney brown eyes. His hair was cut short but his muscles were larger then anything I have ever seen. "Where are we heading today?" his spirit was ready for anything. I always held onto the map. Unsure exactly why but I believe it's because I'm better at geography then he is. Pulling out the map, I examined the location of the nearest monster.
    "There are three located just off the coast of Maine." I turn to face him. The fire in his eyes burned with passion and it was a major turn on. It's a question why this gorgeous guy doesn't have a girlfriend.
    Nodding his head, Cory examined the map. "Alright, we should get going." Off he ran. I'm unsure why he chose to run, when he had the abillity every mortal wishes they had. To soar above the clouds and fly. I have to say it was really hot though. I ran along side him because I just had to get close.
    Even though my heart was beating for Cory, I already gave it's key to a caring young man named Jake. He ran on the right side of me. Jake has styling, long, black, skater hair and his eyes were emerald green. That combination has only one word that discribes it. Hot. Jake wasn't as strong as Cory and he seemed to panic a lot, but I know his heart was in the right place.
    We ran until we reached a small port city just off the ocean shore. The sun was just setting and the reflection off the water was the most beautiful thing anyone could see. The air was fresh but it had a hint of ocean salt in it. Too bad we weren't vacationing.
    Cory looked around, alert for any signs of any monster. "Where do we go from here?" I click open the map and he leans over my shoulder. That alone was enough to make me blush. "It looks as if there is one monster in the ocean, earth and sky. All level white."
    A level white monster is god worthy. They are usually gods gone bad or just really dangerous creatures that were released from the prision of Tartrus. A prision locatated in the darkest pit of hell. They were all released into our world and it's up for us to stop them. How they were released is another story for another time. From weakest to strongest the levels are red, blue, black, blood red, and white.
    "We should split up and each take a monster." Cory suggested. Jake and I gave eachother a quick glance and nod. That seemed ok. "Jake, you take the sky and Morgan, you take the Earth." He glanced at us, "I'll take the ocean."
    We all went our separte ways. Jake flew straight up into the dark storm clouds and Cory dove into the water. I was left alone to investigate the land. It didn't take very long until the land below my feet began to shake. Out from under me, a giant mole-like creature emerged.
    It's paws were as large as an eighteen wheeled semi-truck and they were swinging straight for me. I tried to dodge the blow but I was a little slow. It struck and slammed me far into the ground. Just from one blow, I smashed into the Earth. Forming a crater like a meteorite. Pulling myself off the ground, I get slashed across the face and is sent flying. Out of nowhere, Cory flies up to it and punches it right into a building. His eyes shone as he looked at me, "Need some help?" I look over at him and nod. "Alright, you go check on Jake and I'll finish this one."
    "I'll do it." I answer back and I fly straight up into the air. It doesn't take long until I come flying back into the Earth. I tightly close my eyes, just waiting for the impact but to my surprise Cory flew over and caught me. Talk about your knight in shining armor. He then tosses me back up into the clouds then slams onto the mole. Sending it through the ground. He pummeled that mole. With one final blast, it was completely destroyed. There was only one monster left.
    Cory was just about finished with the mole. He looked up into the clouds and noticed something coming straight for him. Backing up, a giant bird-like creature pounds into the ground, just missing him. "What the?" he examines the bird and notices that its talons are drenched in blood.