• Only one and half weeks till I die. He stopped the torturing for now. I was gaining back some of my strength. I was focusing my energy on getting back some of my muscles I had. When he wasn’t around I did pull ups, crunches, and leg lifts with my bed. I ate the food he gave me. I knew how he finally killed the women. He hunted them down. But he would be surprised because I will fight no matter what. The thing that sucked though is that I don’t know if the B.A.U knew that he hunted the women down. Since we’re in the middle of the forest he would just let loose the girls and give them a hour head start. But for those women had no change but, he didn’t know that my baby would always take my hunting. He taught me how to track and hide in the bush. He was worried if I ever got lost in the woods he taught me how to survive. Plus he was really worried if I got kidnapped by some serial killer who likes to hunt humans. That I would be able to escape. That man was preparing for the hunt and I was preparing to kick his a** and survive till Aj finds me.
    The BAU have been working non-stop for the past three days. They have been trying to find the man. But my main focus was just like my sweetie pie’s. How was the last kill. She told me that every women that they found the body was dumped in the forest. They looked like they have been running away. She told me about this one case she had were the man would take four hostages. Then dump them in the forest and then hunt them down. Then I finally realized that he does that too. I went in to talk to the head of the BAU since my sweetie has been missing.
    “I think I figured out how that man kills the women. Well more like my wife was figuring out but I think I know how he kills the women,” I said.
    “We do too but go ahead,” he said.
    “Well the one last week that the women are alive. He dumps them in the forest and he lets them run. Then he goes and hunts them down. Like deer but with women. If he is going to do this again there may be a change that my wife will survive this,” I said.
    “Well we already knew most of this Aj. But your right on most of this. You said you know this area do you have any idea were he may drop her off at?” he asked.
    “I have no idea but I do know is that we have three days till he does the hunting. I know my wife I taught her how to survive in the woods and hide too. But let’s map out the area were they’re private cabins,” I said.
    “Yes that’s what we were going to start doing but we need your help and anyone else who knows the woods,” he said.
    “I’ll call my Aunt and Uncle they hunt too,” I said.
    I got my cell phone out of my pocket and I was about to dial my aunt’s number when he said,
    “Aj I do have to say this though. The changes of finding her alive is slim to non. But we are going to try are best to find her. You have my word.”
    “Thanks,” I said.
    I put my cell phone back and thought about it. I just pisses my off that she was going to be hunted now. I know that b*****d won’t give her shoes. So she will be running bare foot. I’m just praying now that I find her. I will be out there looking. I don’t care what the BAU says to me about this. I will have my guns and I will find my baby. Then make sure that she is safe again with me. My phone started to vibrate and I answered it,
    “So I heard that you guys may have a change to find you wife,” my Aunt said.
    “Yeah but we have to know the area and once we do. I will go out there and look for her,” I said.
    “I know your going to and I know I won’t be able to stop you but Aj that is going to be dangerous,” she said in a concerned voice.
    “I don’t care I will not have my wife be hunted down by this man. I will not have him have the satisfaction from killing her. I don’t want to live the rest of my life knowing I couldn’t save her. I will find her and safe her, and when I do I will make sure that man can’t harm her again,” I said.
    “Like I said I can’t stop you but please be careful I know Alicia wouldn’t like you to get killed because you got yourself involved,” she said.
    “I won’t let him be the first one to pull the trigger,” I said.
    I was talking to her about what I would need to bring to be out there for a week. But more importantly we would have to find the cabin that man was holding her. Then we would know the location and everything.
    Tomorrow he was going to set me free and try to escape him. My wounds that he gave me a week before still haven’t healed. I know he broke my left ankle, then my right arm, and a couple of my rips. Plus you add the fact he stabbed me in my legs a couple times and my abdomen. He gave me bandages but they didn’t help. I had many scars from him and I know that my bones grew back funky when he broke them. I knew I was kind of weak I had a huge disadvantage. I didn’t know the area and I was wounded. I knew this was going to be an unfair battle