• I wake to a bright sunny morning with an aching pain on the side of my head. It is like no other pain I have felt before. As I walk down the stairs I hear my mother's sobs coming from the kitchen. Rushing in I see my father hold my mother and mumbling.
    "It is all right she is in a better place now. She is happy." My father's words confuse me who has died? Why is my mother sobbing so loudly?
    "Mom? Dad? Who died? Is everything all right?" They ignore my questions and walk out the door after looking at a picture of me. I looked at the picture, it was of me at the summer party last year. I looked very happy and cheerful. That was when I had a happy, light heart. Until Jeremy broke up with me, I was in heaven.
    Next to the picture was a intvitation to a funeral. It said that a girl had died and everyone who wanted to pay respect was allowed. It also stated that she had no friends and was an outcast. That was like how I was! I felt bad for the girl who had taken her own by shooting herslef in the head. If I had known who it was before she died, I would have been her friend. I couldn't make out who had died, my mother's tears washed it out.
    As I walked into the ceremony many people were there, even the 'in crowd'. That was a suprise, they even looked sad and guilty. Maybe they had had made fun of her.
    Sad music began and I knew that it was time to walk up to the casket and place a flower upon it. I tried to walk behind my parents, but people kept going in front of me. Couldn't they see that I was in front of them!? I tried to grab a flower, but they were all gone, but I walked up to the casket anyway.
    I screamed when I saw the picture and name of the girl above the casket. Elizabeth Mimford... That was me! Now it all made sense, my parents, everyone ignoring me, even that the popular girls were there. Had I really killed myself? No, I couldn't have I wouldn't do that to my parents.
    "Ok everyone jokes over." I said, still ignored. This time I walked right up to the casket and looked inside...
    There lying like sleeping beauty was my body. MINE! Now I realized what I had done. How could I have hurt my family like that? How could I have been so stupid!? Now it was to late to take back what I'd done.
    I ran out the door and into the light crying the whole way.