• Inu IM

    Disclaimer: don’t own Inuyasha and gang got it just me

    (AJ has signed in)

    (Inuyasha has signed in)

    AJ: Ey bra was up

    Inuyasha: Wuz up punk

    AJ: Look who’s talking a man with a woman that tells him to sit and he does literally

    Inuyasha: Feh I hate u, anyway what about u

    AJ: what about me

    Inuyasha: Your girl always trying to kill you

    AJ: yours too u two timer

    Inuyasha: s**t u always on her

    AJ: yea but you always in trouble with both, anyway where is she

    (Kagome has signed in)

    AJ: Speak of the Bi—err devil i mean hehe

    Kagome: What u say AJ

    AJ: uuuhhh nothing, Inuyasha

    Inuyasha: don’t bring me into this b***h fight

    AJ: don’t worry I didn’t, u did

    Kagome: WTF u call me puppy.

    Inuyasha: I-I-I didn’t mean it like that

    AJ: Ey bra you are screwed HAHA XD

    (Sango has signed in)

    Sango: what I miss what I miss

    AJ: Well you see Inuyasha has just called me & kagome a b***h

    Sango: oooo I guess puppy gonna get burned

    Inuyasha: alright yawl gonna stop calling me puppy

    AJ: I didn’t call u that

    Inuyasha: I’m not talking about u Im talking to the bitches

    AJ: oh sshhiitt

    Sango: Oh no you didn’t

    AJ: Oh yes that ***** did

    Kagome: AJ the N-word

    AJ: So, I’m black so I can say it yawl can’t say it razz

    Sango: Soooo you can say it but I thought u cant say it to any body else except black ppl

    Kagome: yea

    AJ: no I can say it to anybody I want to all day beast mode XD

    Kagome: ………

    Sango: ………

    Inuyasha: oooooooohh burn he told u

    Sango: I no u aren’t talking puppy u are still in trouble.

    Kagome: so I want to say one thing to you Inuyasha --cough--

    Inuyasha: what

    AJ: Sit

    Inuyasha: WHAT!?

    Kagome: Sit

    Inuyasha:--thud-- Ouch you b-b***h I ought to cut ure throat

    Kagome: --gasp—

    Sango: OMFG u said it again

    AJ: hey Inuyasha hi five –smacks hand—

    Inuyasha: Hell yea –smacks hand—

    Kagome and Sango: We hate u AJ

    AJ: yawl to niggas no yawl love me why yawl trying to play

    Kagome and Sango: We no we had a threesome

    AJ: (OO) oh s**t yawl weren’t supposed to say that s**t in front of him

    Kagome and Sango: (OO) ops are bad

    Inuyasha: WTF? sad

    (Miroku has signed in)

    Miroku: I just seen what just happened AJ u traitor I can believe u slept with my dear Sango sad

    AJ: uuuhhh look it waz not my fault they raped me

    Inuyasha: ……

    Miroku: ……

    Kagome: no we didn’t

    Sango: actually we did it felt great

    AJ, Inuyasha, and Miroku: (OO)

    Kagome: Sango we weren’t supposed to admit it

    Sango: I don’t care we did and got him good

    AJ: I am not going to lie but…

    In unison: What

    AJ: Two things, one I liked it, two im pregnant

    Kagome, Sango, Inuyasha, and Miroku: (OO) WTF!?

    AJ: J/K LOL  XD

    In unison: Oh

    Kagome: Not funny

    Sango: yah really

    AJ: but for real speaking of pregnancies how bout you Inu and Kiki ;-P

    Miroku: whare is that hore anyway

    (UNDEAD HO has logged on)

    Miroku and AJ: Speak of the Bit—err devil hehe

    Undead ho: Hey Inu baby and why iz my SN this

    Inuyasha: Kagome ill be over there in 10 min.

    (Inuyasha has signed off)

    In unison except undead ho: DAMN SON YOU GOT PUNK’D

    Kagome: I did it b***h and u anent s**t

    (Kagome has signed off)

    Sango: I have nothing to say to you except suck a d**k beyotch

    (Sango has signed off)

    Miroku: America’s next top model iz on g2g masturbate cya

    (Miroku has signed off)

    AJ: I’m sorry but u eat a d**k YAH b***h YAH XD XP im coming Sango and Kagome with a blunt

    (AJ has signed off)

    Undead ho: g2g save money from prostituting on car insurance.

    (UNDEAD HO has signed off)