• Aiman, Amal and The Wallet

    Aiman and Amal is best friend.They always meet at the park every evening except if raining.One day,they saw a wallet on the ground at the park so they took the wallet.Aiman check the inside wallet while Amal want to take the money.

    Aiman said "Who's wallet is this??".Amal said " I don't know?,I want to take the money!!".Aiman said " Cannot!!If we take the wallet we've got a sins!!".Amal said " Yes we will got a Sins...I forgot...".

    Aiman and Amal go to the near Police Station.They give the wallet to the one of the police.Police said " You are very kind boy".On the next day,a man come to the police station and made a report about his wallet is missing.

    the police gave the wallet to the man and the man said thank you very much to us because we found his wallet. The man give us RM10.00.We 've very happy and thank to ALLAH because we've help the man.