• you know how people say life is wonderful my life is different i have many ways to describe it... pain pride,misery,time,patience and so on
    the point is im here tell how messed up it is
    ya see i live in a karate family working hard to my father and mothers expectations.expecting the day to become black belt just like them when they pressure me to much to do extra fights.much pain but i live on with it...my girlfriend leaving me my baseball career and people making fun of friends bullies shoving around kids that not deserving it at school....i wish it would all just go away the pain the fact my girls gone.sitting in my room thinking that i know what life is when i dont really know. im just a lonely kid that lives up to his parents moralsi just want to be lowered to an easier lifei want to be at the home that loved me 4 years ago i want the comfort of my old girlfriend helping through the painful times....evrythng.....everything is gone but i refuse to throw my life away for that reason i will not be distrtacted from life because of this pain because i know there are people that have iworse so whenever you and i are feeling down think that we are fortunate to somethings that we do have.thank you for your time....