• Everything started over a piece of candy. What type of candy, escapes my mind for the moment. I think it was a sour something or another, maybe something made by Willy Wonka, or it could have been a laughy taffy. Like I said I really don’t remember at this moment, but it will come back to me in just a minute. Oh …I remember now. It was an apple green jolly rancher that originated this whole ordeal that I am about to explain.
    I was sixteen years old when I pick her up in my tan 1988 Oldsmobile. We gave each other our usual greetings as she glided inside the car to give me a hug. She pressed her breast against mine making my hormones go crazy. I tired ignored the sensation that she was giving me, because that’s what she always did… tease me. She was the ultimate temptress and I was her prey. She released me from her grip and I stared into her brown eyes, remembering the past weekend as a smile crossed my faced.
    It was a cold night that weekend as I had just returned from the store with a pack of jolly ranchers, (If I knew they would have gotten me into trouble I believe I would have left them there.) she was waiting for me when I arrived at my house. Her slender mahogany arms waving in the distance as she saw my car approaching. I parked the car in the drive way so I could give her the proper greeting. Since I had not seen her in two months I thought that would be best. We exchanged hellos and I hugged her tightly to express how much I had missed her. Upon release she gently kissed the side of my cheek. This simply, soft kissed sent a fire through out my whole body; it burned with desire for her. I wanted more of her I wanted more of this kiss, but I ignored the urged since we both were raised Christian. We knew that having this affair would be an abomination. As the kissed was planted and I looked into her soft eyes she smiled wildly like the two months in Texas had liberated her in way I could never imagine. As her eyes danced with lust about the idea I had just dismissed.
    I invited her in my house, and upon her request I had made her dinner. In the middle of making dinner I put a jolly rancher in my mouth. She asked me if she could have one. I told her sure and gave her the bag of candy. When I was almost done I retrieved the last rancher from the bag, I unwrapped in and place in on my lips not sure if I wanted to eat. She looked up at me her lip poked out as if she were a child having a fit.
    “What wrong it you?” I asked
    “I want the candy.” She replied
    “What do you mean? You can’t have the candy it’s touched my lips.”
    “So… like we haven’t shared things before.” She had a point we had shared everything. I went back to preparing the last bit of the meal with both of my hand preoccupied I offered her the candy from my lips. (We had done this before and I thought nothing of it when she came to get it with her lips) She moved closer to my face and upon retrieving the candy she kissed me, a full blown kiss on the lips. I was in shock for a moment not knowing what to believe, but listening to my body I gave into my lust. I braced myself as I started to kiss her back, letting my tongue flow freely in her mouth. She moaned quietly as we continued our tongue tango. I step back from her putting separation between us so could catch my breath. I stood there and looked at her “Damn” I thought “I was surely on my way to hell because of my uncontrollable lust for this woman. As I continued to look at her beautiful face I notice that her bottom lip was poked out again.
    “What’s wrong?” I asked afraid that my kissing skills weren’t as good as I thought. She folded her arms across her chest.
    “I want the candy.” She said almost childishly
    I paused for a moment I wasn’t sure what she meant. Then I realize that I still had the jolly rancher in my mouth.
    I put the strainer in the sink so my hands could be free this time and gave her the rest of the candy. This time I felt the jolly rancher as it rolled between our tongues making her taste of green apple. Her soft delicate hand found their way to my hair as I embraced her and she opened my mind to our jolly rancher experience.