"Another day, another dollar." said the Butler. Today was another day of serving the Queen Sprinkles. The queen was not all that bad, she was rather nice. Though, she may get ticked off if you constantly mess up or if one of her trophies gets broken, you see, the queen has alot of prized keepings. The butler loved his job. He loved having drinks with the queen, watching shows and such. The queen kind of enjoyed the butlers presence too. They were both pretty happy as friends.
Well, this mess began by something not so simple, Washing the windows. Inside 'AND' outside, The butler thought this was no problem. I wouldn't think so. Now the butler had completed the inside of the windows. The queen was pleased. Let me tell you about the outsides. The butler got a very big ladder high enough for the windows.He got all the way to the window with the trophies Now the trophies were on a shelf Not securely put on. He was surely nervous. He was doing fine in he beginning but he got so nervous he rubbed so hard he broke the window. The glass had fallen on the trophies the the fell on the ground with the impact of the hard glass. The trophies were shattered. The queen was watching television when all the sudden she heard shattering She heard it from the trophie collection The Butler barely heard the tapping of her shoes on the wooden floor. He was SO nervous he didn't know what to do but it was too late... The butler looked up and the furious face of the Queen.
She said "Any last words? " and the butler said " I want to keep your Television and she said "NO" and pushed him off the ladder. Down, down he went as he finally went THUMP on the ground.When he got down he sobbed and sobbed he didn't care if he was in serious pain, he just cared about his job.. Then all the sudden a stray cat was walking along then he though the Bulers head was food so he knawwed at it. He sobbed even more.. He hated his life always.. He lived in the dumpster and the truck drivers always laughed him when the passed by him. and THAT, my friends was the story of "The Butler".

Comments (2 Comments)
- Agorbs - 08/25/2009
- This would be pretty good, but it's in Non-Fiction. Still, for effort, 3/5.
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- S IP IR II IN IK IL IE S - 06/30/2009
- O_O Dude.. awesome!!! XD
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