• Traveling farther into the deep shadowy forest
    I stop for a moment to listen to the curious sounds of this particular place
    I look up at the darkened sky
    not a single patch of light in sight,only raindrops falling from above
    but then a sudden sound from far in the forest caught my attention
    drip drip
    drops of crystal water dripping from a tangled vine tree
    that is definitely not the sound I heard
    the sound I heard sounded like it was in deep pain
    at that time I felt a shiver traveling down my spine
    bum bum bum
    my heart is racing fast as if its going to leap out my chest
    stomp stomp stomp
    I hear it
    its coming closer and closer to me every second
    sweat trickling down my forehead
    I want to run, get away from this horrible place
    only thing is...I can't
    my feet won't budge
    I can hear it entering through the tall trees
    at this moment I can hear the deep growl coming from the pit of its chest
    its coming
    as I look around I see nothing, but the nature around me and whomever is approaching me
    I'm alone
    no one here to protect me
    to secure me in their arms and tell me "its alright"
    but its just me and this anonymous person in the cold dead forest
    as I put my face into my hands, I think about what will happen to me
    I stay in this position for a moment
    then I lift my face up
    now just five feet away I'm finally face to face with a creature
    not a human being
    but a wolf
    it starts walking towards me
    he whines in pain, then falls to the bare ground
    I'm the only one who can help him
    the wolf looks up at me with hurting eyes
    my feet now moves out of its place
    I walk forward to him
    step by step
    looking over the wolf
    I come across a severe cut on its back left hind leg
    I tear the bottom portion of my shirt and wrap it around his leg
    the cut looks like it was from a knife...a hunting knife
    he gets up, looks at me for the second time
    this time, I'm feel that we're not alone
    we continue walking
    I look up at the trees
    light is entering through the leaves
    but then light fades away too soon,he looks at me
    I think he wants to show me something
    but what
    we enter to a place further into the forest
    I see crimson red stains on the ground
    it leads to an animal
    a wolf, it looks limp
    my friend the wolf looks down and continues on
    this must've been his dear friend
    then out of the blue a knife is thrown and misses my head by an inch
    it gets caught on a tree behind me
    I examine the knife, it none other than a hunting knife
    I see my friend growling at the trees twenty feet away, where a person is hiding
    this was my enemy
    the guy stepped out into view
    and cocked his gun
    he's ready to fire
    his face was smothered in dirt and sweat
    grinning showing his crooked yellow teeth
    eyes gleaming in the dark
    my wolf friend and I start to run for it
    my heart is pounding even faster than before
    my eyes start to come watery as I found out who it was
    a person, a close person who betrayed me and my family
    I hear a cry and a thump
    he shot my friend
    he crashed to the cold floor
    I couldn't stop
    I had to keep running
    I'm alone once again
    I cry as my legs become weak and limp
    they can't move any longer
    I stop, fall to my knees, I am breathless
    my enemy stops, I can hear him breathing
    he starts cackling and says,
    "well well, I've finally caught you now!"
    "why are you doing this?" I say
    he stays silent
    then cocks the gun once more
    puts it to the back of my head
    he's about to pull the trigger

    I finally wake up
    I'm sweating
    I thought it was just a dream,or not it feels as if its real
    or maybe a nightmare
    I look out my window
    I see the sky
    shades of orange and pink scatter the sky
    the click says 6:40 a.m.
    I lie back in bed, thinking
    was that real, did it actually happen
    I guess I'll have to find out soon