When i was ten i had a girlfriend at school. her name was Katy. In the summer she went away on holiday with her family and i was lonely sad I was hoping to get a postcard from her, but she never sent one crying . So in the end I had to write one myself, to myself. I got a piece of paper and wrote this letter.xD.

    Dear Jason
    It is hot here. The weather is good. I wish you were here.I love you so much. you are so clever and strong. you have nice hair. I want to marry you and kiss you forever. lots and lots of love,


    I put it under my pillow and every night I read it before I went to sleep and i felt a lot better. But then my mom found it and I didn't know redface . So what happened next was, Katy and her parents came back from thier house and said: " look what your discusting daughter has been writing to my son! she's ten years old!"
    Of course she hadn't and she wasn't. Weren't they surprised! Yes, of course they were. So they sent for me and asked me what i knew about the letter and I wanted the ground to swallow me up! but it didn't and instead I had to stand there and admit that it was me sad
    Were they mad?
    No! instead they shrieked and roared with laughter. All except for Katy and me. Katy cried and i wanted to die. She never spoke to me again sad