• We were good friends for a long time. We use to always talk and have fun. Slowly I started to develop a slight crush on him. I never really relized myself, and when ever I thought about the subject I'd just say that I was being stupid or hormones or some other excuse, but I knew the truth, I just didn't want to admit it.
    After a while we didn't talk that often. I didn't really know why we just did, I assumed he was busy. I really didn't like the short talks. I started totalk to him less and less. I really missed him then.
    He faked his death, not sure if it was a prank or not but it really pissed me off when I found out he faked it. After that I cut him off of my life. I hoped to never speak to him again. I couldn't deal with the stress he was causing me.
    I checked to see if I had any messages, I found one from him, responding to my goodbye, though I told him not to. I read it. He said I was the most important person in his life and now I am gone. He also said he loved me, as in more than a friend. As soon as I read that I started to cry. Also a song started to play which I connected to this situation I am in. I cried even harder. My thick layer of eyeliner was running down my face.
    I really want to respond to that message, but I promised myself that I would never speak to him again, and I always keep my promises. I am trying really hard, but it seems near impossible, I broke his heart and now I feel like a evil selfish person for that.
    Also In the goodbye message I sent him I said I would not miss him, but I knew that was a lie. I really hope he knows that as well.
    All while I was writing this some of my saddest songs were playing, making me cry.