• hey guys i am so sorry for not posting in like five months but i do have my reasons.

    but first anything needed to be asked or comments toward me please email at imperfectxxperfectxx@yahoo.com but no inapporiate things are to be said or sent or i will contact the cops due to the law. And now onto the reasons why i havent posted (sorry! but it will explain down there ///////////\/)

    1) My computer doesnt hold a charge and the battery is dying which results in my story being lost.

    2)I am graduating from grade eight in the next month so my school is piling on the work so that means school before gaia

    3)I was preparing to apply to these important schools (college prep) where they can help me in the future with my writing~just got in to so YAY!

    4) I am a horrible author for not posting

    5) Since my computer is crashing on me, i am using my itouch to upload things and go on the internet.

    6) I am going to start posting my stories here and on quizilla.teennick.com plus accesing gaia on my itouch is diffuclt so i may post them faster on quizilla due to the easy access and if you are dedicated to my stories you will understand my pressure and diffuclt access to gaia. I obsolutely LOVE gaia but until i can get a new computer than i will post faster but i assure you all i am willing to take time to post but i cant drop everything due to my future-which is irronically in writting so please give me feed back on my story (good or bad)

    I am again soooo unbelievably sorry, i cant imagine how much you hate me for not posting, i also will believe how many of you amazing ditched my stories due to my extreme lack of posting but i hope you give me another chance and bare with me for the next month or so. And thank you for all of those out there that have stayed with me! I owe alot to Bri for she has been with me through this whole thing and also for those others that i do not know that have stayed with me. Again thanks and i am sooo sorry!

    Please email at imperfectxxperfectxx@yahoo.com this is my official email concerning anything with the story or stories. If you need questions to be answered or any comments please feel free to contact me there again the email is imperfectxxperfectxx@yahoo.com