• They sat quietly, in hopes they wouldn’t get caught. No one made a sound, they didn’t even breath. The youngest girl; Katie, with her muddy face and undone pigtails, felt an itch in her nose. The eldest Michael grew worried and tried to help the little girl not sneeze. A banging noise came from above them, which made everyone gasp. Katie, with all her might, fought the sneeze back but failed miserably. Everyone tensed up and held their breath as they listened carefully. Footsteps could be heard running toward the basement door. Everything was quiet, peaceful, but they all knew he was there.

    The basement door flew open and a gust of hot air washed over the children. Heavy breathing and footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Katie hugged Michael closely, as Sarah; the second eldest held Troy; the second youngest. The footsteps stopped, as did the breathing. Everything felt calm suddenly, as if nothing had ever happened. The four children held each other a little longer, feeling the air around them, making sure it was safe. When they felt sure it was safe, they let go of each other and sighed with relief. A growling noise sounded through the basement as they air grew dense and heavy.

    Suddenly, Katie flew into the air toward the stairs. Everyone screamed as they reached out for her helplessly. Sarah stood and screamed at the hidden force, begging it to let them go. Sarah was lifted into the air and thrown against the wall; leaving blood stains on the wall as she slid down to the floor. A demonic laugh echoed through the basement amused with what it had done. Michael stood and shielded his little brother Troy.

    “What do you want from us?” Michael screamed at the force.

    “I want what’s mine.” A demonic voice replied.

    Michael shoved Troy into the darkened shadows, hiding him out of sight before he too was lifted into the air. Invisible hands twisted Michael’s body in a distorted manner. Bone could be heard snapping and crunching as Michael gagged on his own blood. The body fell to the ground, where its blank eyes stared at the hidden child. Troy covered his mouth and looked up as he listened to the footsteps move from the stairs. As troy sat there shivering with fright, the growling noise sounded once more before Troy was yanked into the air. The boy’s screams echoed through the empty house.

    Everything was quiet and peaceful, nothing disturbed the air. The basement door closed and footsteps could be heard leaving. The front door opened and as it closed, flames rose through the house, setting everything on fire. The four lifeless bodies of the children lay in the burning flames, hopeless and lost. No one would ever know who they were or what had ever happened to them.