• YAY! i am currently getting the under layer of my hair dyed purple again after i washed out. last time the reason it washed out was cause my sister only used the 20 bleach because she was scared she would fry my hair. my whole family is obsesed with my hair i like it but im not obsesed with it. yay im soooo exited! when it washed out last time i was so sad, like i litteraly cryed it ment so much to me. i tend to get attached to little things like my hair, but i refuse to let myself turn into a hoarder. i have 1 drawer that i set aside for little trinkets that i take a liking to but that is IT! i wont go past that little drawer. the things in there consist of this purple rock i found on the ground, i think its an amethist, and a bell that happens to be really shiney, a few pens that are purple, a purple marker, and the magority of the other things are purple to. Haha, i remind myself of a squirl, always moving, always colecting things. also i tend to ramble on like this a lot...sooo ya thats all i wanted to say im just really happy im getting my hair did lol, and i got a trim yesterday. so its like hair week! hahaha. ok thats it bye, i'll write again later like when i feel the need to ramble on to people who dont give a crap.