• Its my fault........Its always my fault isnt it? Whenever something is worng with us its my fault. But, its parcailly hers too.............she always ask me for things....But never gives in return. Trying to change me into another one of her little pets, or toys, Im not like that. And if everything I do...telling her I love her, hugging her, being shy twoards her, blushing near her, getting flusstered near her, if she always wants more than I can give her then I cant be with her. Besides the only real reason I went ot with her is because I wanted her last days in middle school to be great. But it seems like, Ive just made them worse. I never loved her, and the only to people that knew were Me and a freind Amaria. He always wanted me to tell ehr the truth but I didnt want to. And now since shes getting mad at me. Since we might not see each other ever agian, I might as well just make her hate me......................For good.