• Sigh*
    Here’s another sleepless night for me. *Stares hopelessley at laptop*
    It’s been like this for years now, I think since seventh grade started getting difficult. That was when I was twelve. Now I’m fifteen, and I continue to suffer from insomnia at night, and not only during the school year, but also in mid-vacation; like now.
    Tonight it’s hot, moist and breezeless. I’ve been hoping for my eyes to droop for about three hours, and it’s almost 2am. Around twelve, I tried to sooth my conciousness with a nice, warm shower, but had no measurable efect. So a couple of minutes ago I decided to intrude into my mother’s peace, and waked her to see what she could recommend for me to do. Of course that awaking my mother is never a good idea, for she runs frecuent temper tantrums, even when I’m justified. Today was one of those nights. Let’s just skip the bellicose part, and go right to the moment when I’m in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water with 20 homeopathic drops. Absolutely gross. Well, after my beverage, I thought it useful to channelize my stirriness into words, and here we are. I took my watch off, so I haven’t the slightest idea of the time. I hope that my eyes just closed out of drowziness. Hmmm.
    Nope, out of luck. 
    Well, I guess I’ll just have to plan my movements for tomorrow. This is the part that won’t interest most, unless you’re wish is to intercept me for some corrupt lucrative buisness like mugging me or something of the sort. Well then, just keep on scrollin’ babe.

    So, I will try not to wake too late, for the morning vanishes pretty quickly lately. (I’ve been waking around 11am-13pm). Once up and going, I suppose I’ll take Lea –my adored dog- for a good walk. Once back, I’ll see what Mother decides to do about my punishment. You see, I can’t remember strictly why now, but I got punished for some heated discussion I thrusted on her hours ago. So I’m internet-less. Unless she forgets the punishment (which she does quite often), I will see myself going to the ‘internet cafe’ or whatever they call those places where you go to soleley use the computer for money and then leave. Once online –wherever that may be- I’ll submit this text onto the Arena, check my unread pms and so on. I’ll probably also add the new banners I’ve made for my Quest Thread // Art Shoppe, and for my Art Quest Thread.
    After that, I find it impossible to predict my future, so I’ll submit to the darkness of my bedroom in the hope for some sleep. Buona notte. *rubs eyes sleepily*