• The clock goes on
    as the tears still fall.
    For confusion, fear... the song.
    Echoing against the wall
    tick drop tick drop tick drop tick drop
    it slithers down my wrists
    warm, sticky, filled with life; don't stop.
    Murmurs all around from faceless lips
    telling lies with no shame
    tick drop tick drop tick drop tick drop
    all these feelings have no name
    warm sticky; filled with life... please stop
    But it wont end, these sickening sounds
    on and on, one two, one two
    down and out; I begin to drown
    reaching for hope, dreams, love... you
    hands so warm, pulling me near
    don't let me go...
    keep me close, let me hear
    your voice close by and take it slow
    soft, warm and strong you seem,
    at first glance it's what you are
    but you tremble too, looking for a seed
    of hope, change; a heart