• Delicious aromas fill the air
    Of baking breads and sweets
    The dough I knead
    Is soft yet strong
    Just like I

    Would you like a slice of pie?
    A sample of sweet cake?
    How I loved to see
    Their expressions
    When biting into my creations

    But then that dreadful winter
    Brought the devouring cough
    Consumption, was the doctor’s word
    For this disease

    No longer baking my sweet pastry
    Or sitting down
    Near the blazing warmth of my oven

    All day in bed
    Skin as pale as moonlight
    Eyes sunk and dull

    The days pass by
    Slowly inching forward

    Please, I call
    My voice only a hoarse whisper
    Stop my suffering
    My pain
    My agony

    No longer do I want to see
    The crimson spurting from my mouth
    And staining my sheets

    My throat coarse and raw
    Lungs dropping like hard stones

    More days are added
    To my dying life

    As the first light leaks
    Through the cracked window
    My spirit rises and leaves

    My body is carried
    Into the ground
    And finally
    Peace has descended