• One, two, three
    seconds pass by.
    the world revolving around us,
    problems coming at us
    at the speed of sound.
    can't we just slow things down?
    just have everything slow down for a while.
    i wish the world would stop.
    have everything but us pause.
    i just want to run away with you
    where no one calls it wrong to love.
    where there's no such thing as problems.
    is that too much to ask?
    darling, i love you,
    but i can't take it.
    I'm only human.
    let's just run away together,
    hand in hand
    down that isle.
    let's just lay down in the grass
    and sink into pure bliss.
    let's gaze upon the stars
    under a blanket
    and exchange "i love you's" and kisses.
    wouldn't that be great, my love?
    let's just drop everything
    and leave.
    run away from our problems together
    and go someplace.
    it doesn't matter where, as long as i have you...
    so let's get up and leave.
    go somewhere no one calls it wrong.
    somewhere that they won't find us.
    just come with me, my love.
    let's run away together, forever.