• As night slowly awakes
    He stretches forth his arms
    Folding me in his dark embrace

    Night reaches his hands
    From underneath his billowy robes
    Each touch an icy caress

    The wind, like his breath
    Brushes against my cheeks
    Feeling like an eerie kiss

    Night cannot speak but, still
    He sings me bitter melodies
    Full of fear and blood curdling screams

    As my protector and my love
    Night shelters me with his cloak of
    Darkness keeping me safe from harm

    As I feed he watches over me
    Ensuring a sucessful, fulfilling hunt
    To satisfy my bloody hunger

    When Night grows tired, he looks upon me
    As I climb inside my sleeping chamber
    Preparing myself for day's break

    As dawn comes forth, my night fades
    I lie sleeping in heavy slumber within my grave
    Where Night's shadows still remain

    Safe, in my tomb, I await the return
    Of my guardian, my love, my Night
    Waiting to again feed my raging desires