• A L I C E

    by Ina Echimaru (me)

    "She's gone,
    She's gone"

    Is what races through her mind,
    as she sat there dazed
    Like her life was on the line.

    "She's gone,
    She's gone"

    holding her white stuffed rabbit,
    as she shaked and she shook
    Looking for a way out,
    O, how she was hooked to that single book.

    "SHE'S GONE,
    SHE'S GONE!"

    Her body bobbed,
    her blue eyes held wide
    as she began to fell,
    with the edges of her eyes
    began to crack,
    so as she fell she cryed;

    "SHE'S GONE!
    SHE'S GONE!"

    stuffing her rabbit down her shirt,
    she flailed and she frowned
    stummbleing but she was not hurt,
    searching, searching
    for that one gap,
    where the rabbit had come from
    like it was her map.


    knees caved in,
    her little blue dress brought in a twist
    blonde hair disguiseing herself,
    dragging her body with an arm, a fist
    where a hole was found,
    amoungst the fixed.

    "A l i c c c e e

    lies on the floor,
    no movement, no heartbeat
    just a distorted girl.

    Brought to you by Oblivious Sharada