• I've known her forever
    Almost all her life
    I end up watching her
    Go through her days in strife

    I've known her since grade two
    I always knew she was strange
    Even though she took one pill
    I knew she'd never change

    All of them have done it once
    I always get really mad
    I make sure they're not doing it again
    I let them know it's bad

    But for the most part, it would seem,
    That when they're hurt the most
    I try to help, I really do
    But end up playing a ghost

    The best part is, how in the end,
    When all is said and done
    They say, thank you, you've helped so much
    Their words sting like a gun

    I've done nothing, not at all
    It's pretty simple, see?
    All I've done is stand and watch
    So why do you thank me?

    I don't need you to fight the fights
    I need you to keep me sane
    I need you for your shoulder and your heart
    That take away the pain

    None can handle the after result
    You've never had to, have you?
    So that's why you're so comforting and calm
    That's why I'd go to you

    It's because you have no idea
    Because you've nothing to fear
    You play the part of the soothing rain
    That washes away the tear

    So just because you're clueless
    Doesn't mean you play no part
    Just because you cannot say
    You've had a broken heart

    All it means is that you're there
    To let them know that it's okay
    So stand and watch them fight their fights
    And help them at the end of the day