• I ate God this morning
    Sliced him into my cereal
    And added in the milk
    God is a balanced part of breakfast
    Three servings of fruit
    Five of grains
    With some complementary religion
    You can buy God at the store
    All bundled up in nice, neat
    Pre-packaged servings
    Shrink-wrapped Koran
    Tiny boxes of wafers
    My friend eats Kali
    But I prefer Jesus
    I don’t do well with spicy foods
    Some people grow their own religion
    In neat garden patches
    Strange new Gods
    Unusual beliefs
    Some people mix religions
    Two parts Buddha
    Three parts Western occultism
    In a nice stir-fry on rice
    Atheists are the new vegetarians
    Saying God is unhealthy
    And unethical
    But they have their supplements
    Thinkers and poets
    I tried some Nietzsche once
    But he was too tough
    To go down without a thought