• I want to cry for those 1000’s millions
    who lost their love one’s in the war!
    I want to hug my mother earth;
    Who accepted her bleeding sons
    unwontedly in her heart
    I want to teach my younger ones
    get them out of ecstasy… and
    fulfill poor wants!
    I want to be the hand, the leg and the eyes
    who had worked hard, and dreamed to go millions miles…
    I want to sing this for all my sisters and brothers
    to help, sacrifice and to care for others
    I want nothing more from you, nothing @ all
    just open your eyes, wake up from your sleep
    and see your mother earth
    Is not what you need, but you make
    Break all the walls not for me, for your sake
    I wonder if you understand, I doubt if you do.
    I feel pity on you, and
    I will cry, and hug my mother earth